I was doing other things and Mary told me she'd posted. I came here and found this. I read through the thread with tears running down my face. Thank you all so much! You all mean the world to me!
I've only told a few about this. Nov 17th Karrel was on the ground working on a truck. His boss and another guy was standing beside him. A co-worker got into his truck and drove off without looking where he was going. The 2 men jumped out of the way, but the fully loaded semi truck's dually wheels ran Karrel over. He had to go by ambulance to the ER. He was very lucky! Just his foot & ankle got hurt! Two broken toes. But it was more of a mess than that. I knew he had soft tissue damage. I knew it was much more. He's been on crutches this past month. It's been hard. I've been trying to do all the work here myself. The guy that ran over him comes when he can to help hay the horses. (where he ran over and ruined my antique street lamp)
We can't afford for him to not work so he still goes to work. I've been trying to sell more horses to lighten the load, but you know how that goes!
His foot has been huge and purple and bleeding all these weeks. It's very upsetting! It's been slowly getting better.
He's had his 2nd Dr appt for the 13th (today) I kept trying to get him to go in before then but he refused (MEN!)
He had been hiding it from me. Well yesterday (his birthday) I MADE him show me. I had no idea that the flesh on the side of his ankle had died and fallen off, leaving a huge, deep wound! It's beyond words horrible! I screamed OMG then chewed him out for not going to the Dr etc. I took a pic of it. Then he left for work and then I broke down and bawled for hours. I'm SO scared!
I sent the photo to his boss, my mom and a few people who I'd told about the accident. My mom hit the roof and called Coke and talked to him and MADE him go to the Dr yesterday. They sent him home to come back today. He just got home. All they did was give him new bandages. He'll go to a wound specialist in a day or two and the have to go to OKC for surgery soon. I don't drive so that co-worker had better come help me!
I'm hoping that after he gets better from whatever they do to him, that I can get my gallbladder removed. I've been having a lot of pain and unspeakable stone attacks since July 4th.
Thank you ALL. I've been so stressed out. I'm so lucky to have my friends.
I love you all!