Special Video I Made

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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I made this special video.

I am not entirely sure if it is appropriate to post as it is hard for even me to watch, and I made it.

I made it to honor Marty's Michael. I wanted to be able to memorialize him in some way, and this how I did it.

I hope it is ok to post this.

Oh My goodness! Ferrah, I love the focus on Michael's eyes! What a beautiful video to help us all remember a life that touched us all, even if we never met him!
The video is beautiful...

I can not imagin what you have gone through,

but I can see that you have an amazing son

and you are truly blessed.

Even if he is no longer in your arms but in

your heart and memorys.

That is beautiful! What a lovely tribute to Michael! And what a lovely thing to do for Marty. This is something she will certainly treasure. I know Marty, Jerry and Dan will love it.

Marty, this shows you that the people on this Forum will not forget your precious son - he lives on in the hearts of many. Ferrah's special video shows the care and love many of us have for you.

Hugs and prayers for you and your family!
Please know that I am so honored that you have done this for us.

I cannot wait to see it.

I just posted on another youtube thread that I am having the worst time viewing this. It starts and pauses forever...........and I don't know why or what I am not doing right to be able to view this. Do I have to join to view it ? Does anyone have a clue why I am having problems with this? I also cannot figure out how to make it bigger.
It is incredible to watch. Thank you so much for your hard work. I will watch it over and over many times. A million times.

You have captured every emotion possible in your display. That wild, mouthy, kid with the biggest heart in the world.........you see his eyes. I think those eyes eventually get to everyone. He was so happy. So very happy, and so much in love with his Tabby, they would have been engaged on Christmas....... he was just so happy and full of life. He never hurt anyone.

He should not be dead.

He should not be dead.

He was murdered by a beast..... a beast that still doesn't even care about what he has done. He's not even a human..........
Marty listening to your stories about Michael and Dan was always a favorite of mine on this forum.

Michael and I were born in the same year and he only a month after me, so in a strange way I felt close to this. Us 1987 models have to stick together you know.

The focus on his eyes was easy, hes got amazing eyes and I swear you see the depths of his soul through them.

I love you Marty and your whole family and I wish only the best for you all. Your posts have helped me grow as a person and I feel that I have become a better than I am by reading and enjoying your posts. Reading your posts makes me want to strive to become better than I ever though possible. Words cannot express how much it means to me.

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That was beautiful!!! Watching it when you have a cold is a bad idea, my sinus's were already shot, now I'm crying on my keyboard.


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