Spring flew right past us I think and we are feeling like summer here! Ok, maybe not, but 84 degrees?? So the weather is sooo nice, I have been outside gardening, weeding, and scoopin the poo, WHICH I might add I have been selling to others for their gardens and have made over $100 in 2 weeks! The minis are on breeding vacation this year (2 mares and a stallion)... My shetland is getting worked for my new CDE adventures and my Welsh/Quarter pony crosses don't know it yet, but are going to be driving as a pair by the end of the year...
So I have been driving my Starbuck out on the road and trying to get him to listen instead of think...if we can get this down, we are set! He is too stinking smart and reminds me of my Arabian mare and geldings that I can NOT practice a Dressage test with for fear of anticipation! Since I have no arena to practice in and my property is all sandy loam (great for roundpens but not so much with those thin tires for driving on) we have to hit the pavement. I decided to give him front shoes with a tiny bit of borium welded to the heels to give him some traction. The borium worked too on that one time he decided that the crupper had grabbed him by the tail and he bolted on the road!
We have resolved that issue (never really was one, he just scared himself!) and now we are onto driving again out on the road, but I am not currently going in straight lines...I am doing blocks so I am closer to home! That last time had me walking 4 miles to get back! I now have lights, reflective stuff everywhere, always wearing boots and jeans (what ever possessed me to wear shorts and flip flops driving?) and also got my gloves and hat! It was a very humbling experiance that I am glad I had with a shetland and not my 13.3hh pony!
I am adding my pony brag here too...don't shoot me! The pony has been out too, for the first time, in her new harness and carriage.
I am lucky to have such a level headed pony mare and her filly is even better. They leave me thinking...she can't be this good. She is gonna loose it any min! But she never does. Tomorrow I may just decide to drive her to my friends house...6 miles away. I am still thinking this one out. I have ridden and driven lots of my others that way, but this would be a first for this mare. I am working on the best way to harness and hitch to the carriage safely alone... I wish I had a partner in crime! If anyone lives close by and wants to drive cummon over! I love company!