We are in the process of building a little barn for our 2 mini's so we can bring them home and don't have to board them. I've never had to buy stall matts before and have come accross several brands. What brand does everyone reccommend?
I used a chainsaw to cut my last batch, LOL, worked even quicker than a skill saw, if you place a four by four on either side of where a cut needs to go to elevate the mat, you can zip right down the middle. Worked freakishly well.I matted all my stalls with 3/4 thick 4x6. They are a pain to cut I used a skill saw and it worked great. Be sure you have a solid base when you put them down. I used stone dust with a wacker and water. It's a but of work buy you will have drainage and level stalls. I did my grooming area and alley ways with the stone dust and thiner mats. They have been in for 10 years and are still great. Good luck these mats are very heavy.
It's a bit of an expense and hard work but it's worth it in the end.