Stall sizes?

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heart k ranch

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Jul 2, 2007
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:eek: Stupid question~

I was thinking what size stall does everyone have. The barn I use now was for quarter horses, before I got to use it for the minis. So I redid it but is still the same size as a full size horse stall. (just new doors so they can see out)

I have 3 24X10, 5 10X10, and 1 12X10... One is now full of sqare bales of hay.

Should I make them smaller, there are just my studs in there for winter ( nonbreeding season)...

In breeding season they are out with their band of mares

One is (with mare) in a 24X10 stall and the others are in a 10X10's....
I like mine roomy- my smallest is a 10 x 12 and I wish that I had had it made 12 x 12 like the other- and that to me, is minimal. The horses need room to move around, feel comfortable to lie down and stretch out in a spot other than where they pooh... I hate keeping mine in at all unless I have a mare foaling or some reason to. I like to see them have plenty of room.
This topic always confuses me.
: I have only had minis for less then 2 years now and I guess my brain is just screwy, but if a big normal sized horse can live in a stall that is 10 x 10 at the smallest , and of course gets proper turnout and exercise.......why does a miniature, who is 1/4 of the size of a big horse need a stall that is that big if not bigger? I'm just curious and I have to say my miniature boy lives quite happily in a 10 x 10 stall with 5 hours of turn out a day plus he is in driving training currently so he gets plenty of exercise and I agree, the more space the better. But technically, couldn't a miniature (with proper turnout and such) live comfortably in something smaller?

Just curious!!!
If you don't need more stalls I wouldn't bother making them smaller. The bigger the better, more room to move around.

I've had minis in 6x8 stalls, that is "their size" to what a full size horse is kept in at 10x12. But if you have enough, why not leave them bigger
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If you don't need more stalls I wouldn't bother making them smaller. The bigger the better, more room to move around.

I've had minis in 6x8 stalls, that is "their size" to what a full size horse is kept in at 10x12. But if you have enough, why not leave them bigger
Well thats the reason why I left them they way they are. I kept the size since I still have big horses and they like getting hurt, but also the minis I like to see move around.
Well my barn has 10x10 stalls however since it is not full I have been able to open it up and now everyone is in a 10x20 stall.Makes it easier to keep clean and I feel better on days when they are in due to weather.

They are normally out all day long and stalled at night.

I do have some on the foaling stalls which are 16x16 with attached runs.

My large horses were always in a 16x16 but they were all big the smallest being 16.3

I personally wouldnt foal out in something smaller then 16x16 if I had a choice (sometimes you have to make due with what you have I totally understand that)

but for me that is enough room for mom and baby to have room and not be on top of eachother as well as enough room if god forbid you need yourself a vet a vet tech and equipment in the stall you dont want to be falling over everything to get the job done.
My stall is 8x6 1/2 I feed all three in the stall. No one fights over the food. They all have their own feed dish and each waits their turn to be fed. We are putting in another stall that will be 8x8. There is an 8x8 in the stud pen. But, he isn't old enough yet and doesn't have to use it. I forgot to add, the horses are not locked in the stall at night or at any other time. We have locked one up and left the others out. But, I don't like to do that. We have a dry lot so too much grass is not a problem.
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I have 2 12x12 stalls.... and a 12x24 run in area. But both of mine go in one stall together now that the colt is a gelding. They are happier that way and don't get as bored. I'd like to have a big horse some day, so I like having them big enough for that in case I need them eventually.
We have 7 12x8 stalls, one 8x8 stall. H is building another 2 8x12's and then another 3 8x12's. I like the rectangle shape vs. square.
Not a stupid question at all, imo... I was surprised and interested to see the variety of stall sizes.

Our "barn" (using that term loosely) is a converted shed just big enough for 3 stalls that are 6 x 8. Having such a small building works well for our guys because it's warmer in the winter (we are in Vermont).

That said, our horses are out all day unless the weather is truly crummy - they have a run-in shed in their pen so they have weather protection and I don't have to worry about whether to put them out on days where the weather is questionable, which it is a LOT here.

I'd probably make the stalls a bit bigger if I had the chance, though...
My mini stalls are 8x12 and I like that size just fine. They poop in the back and eat and sleep toward the front. It's funny how we like the stalls to be bigger for these little guys, when my clydesdale is just fine in his 12x12 as are my two standard donkeys who share a 12x12. I'm wondering if it is more that we like a larger size to be able to clean and swing the pooper scooper around without hitting the walls and have the wheelbarrow in there too. When we had a major rain and windstorm here in our area last year, I was very comfortable doubling up a few of my guys to make space for ones that were flooded out in the lowlands.

This topic always confuses me.
: I have only had minis for less then 2 years now and I guess my brain is just screwy, but if a big normal sized horse can live in a stall that is 10 x 10 at the smallest , and of course gets proper turnout and exercise.......why does a miniature, who is 1/4 of the size of a big horse need a stall that is that big if not bigger?
I fully agree! However, not all mini owners come from a big horse background. Around here, 10 x 12 stalls are the norm for big horses and that is what our minis had at the old place as we had big horses for many years. Here in my new barn, our stalls are 8 x 8. If I could have afforded a bigger barn, I may have made the stalls bigger, but it isn't necessary in my opinion. It has taken some getting used to for me, as I have to watch when I'm cleaning stalls that I don't bump the fork on something and dump it, LOL, but the horses do just fine. I think it just makes "us" feel better to have them in roomier stalls.
: I have everything from a 27.5" to a 34" horse in my "mini" stalls.
ours are 6x10. that seems to be big enoughfor them to turn around and lay down in .its also big enough that they dont lay in their own poop. its not really big enough to play in tho. ours are only stalled at meal times and during really bad weather. [only two days last year.]DR.
Mine are 2 12x12 and 2 12x8 We had big horses first with a 2 stall barn, added the mini stalls and made them 12x8, the yearling gets the 12x12 so she has more room to move around. Just cut a window in so she can see out. Kathy
I have portable removable walls so mine can be as big as 12x20 or as small as 8x12.
My stalls are about 8ft' by 9ft'. Stallion padocks have run ins that are about 9ft'10ft and then run in else where are about 10ft'10ft.

I do have one stall that is 10ft'10ft but that is for my larger classic shetland filly
We just ripped down our barn, but before we did, I had 5 stalls in there. 2 were 8'x10' and 3 were 8'x8'. We are putting up something different....a portable canvas shelter type building, and it will measure 24'x40', and in it, I plan to have 10 stalls, 8'x8'. I have foaled mares out just fine in the 8'x8' stalls but I do actually prefer the 8'x10' ones. BUT, I need to try to make room for as many as I can inside, so this is what I have decided to do.
Our barn was built specifically from draft horses. All stalls are 12 x 12, alleyway is 16' wide and the doorways are 9' tall. We use one as a foaling stall and then either put 2 horses together into one 12 x 12 or we have divided some into 6 x 12's and put one horse on each side. I have used portable 6 x 6's in the alleyway in a pinch and it worked also. Our horses are turned out each day, all day and some also have choice to be out at night or come into the alleyway. We have a LGD that protects them.
Our stalls are mostly6' or 7' by 8'. As long as we keep them clean, there is no problem with them laying down. They usually poop in a corner or near the wall so they have a place to lay down. I have even kept 2 small weanlings in one together for a short while to have a buddy and then seperate them next to each other. They get out to play during the day and come in at night.

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