Still have not received any Journal

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Sorry, I have forgotten when the past Journals were supposed to go out- I still have not received any yet.
No journal here either, but I think I always receive mine last lol
Oh goodie, that means they are on their way then...... LOL, ohmt, looks like you are not the only ones to get yours last! Oh the anticipation and suspense, LOL
We received our April May issue JUly 28 here in Michigan. Was so glad to get it and waiting for the others to come and once we are caught up. I hope that all the others will be on time.
I am also in Michigan and no journal yet.
Just go ours now. Finally, LOL.

My kids look great and I want to thank Lori for her great ad!

Also drooling over Perfection on pg.71, what a neat horse.
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We are smack dab in the middle of the country - Nebraska - and we and our friends around here all received our Journal a week ago Wednesday, July 21st. I guess Nebraska really is the Good Life!

Very nice issue of the Journal too!

Jacki Loomis
Received mine to find out my shetland was Top Ten in two sections. Would have been nice to know earlier. Then I would have taken out an ad to be included in the issue. Par for the course, last year when he won at Congress, I was not listed as the owner, then this time his name is misspelled.
Just got mine today. I used to be so excited when the journal came, but when it comes and everything is so outdated it is just not the same. I do still enjoy reading it, just not as much as when the news is more recent.

Several of us put an ad in remembering a terrific show horse that passed away (last winter). It was a surprise to the horse owner. I received a phone call thanking us for it, I had almost forgotten about the ad so much time had passed.
Echo Acres was that for John and Phyllis? They are such nice folks. We know them from their wintering here of course, and have rooted them on at Nationals.
Echo Acres was that for John and Phyllis? They are such nice folks. We know them from their wintering here of course, and have rooted them on at Nationals.
Yes it was. They are such wonderful people. They let my son show Rapidash last year in driving thru the season and at nationals. Also Phyllis (a retired teacher) helped my son with his homework at nationals. I felt so bad when Rapidash got sick and they couldn't do anything for him. They put him in the best care at the university and spent a lot of money, but in the end nothing could save him. He was one of those special horses.

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