JMS, that's just what I was thinking - has this ever been proposed? Stop hardshipping, of ALL breeds, including ASPC. That may be shutting the door late, but at least it stops the ongoing influence, or limits to those who are already in. Close the registry and work on becoming a REAL BREED. THEN address the type issues - and for all those who say it can't be done - it CAN be done, pinto does it very successfully, but it requires good breed and type standards, and an acceptance of all types as having worth. The AMHR is a club of members, the stop hardshipping proposal could be put forth for next year's convention, right? And having a year to work on it, maybe an effort could be made by all who agree with that proposal to get to the convention as much as possible in 2013, to push the proposal forward, and show support. Complaining here doesn't make any change. . . . if change is to happen, involvement must be frequent, visible, and vocal and must get to those who make decisions!