What a mess. After being involved in horses all my life, of all sizes, I have never had to deal with strangles. Never have even known anyone on a personal level that did.
We have new-ish neighbors next door with full sized horses, who move a lot in and out- sell some, buy some, take some to her sisters, move others back, etc... One of my big lots is up against their fence where some of their horses are. This is the ONLY place I can think of it may have come from... my horses have not been off my place since last spring and no one new in- nothing at all.... we take summers off cause it's just too hot.
A few weeks ago I had two mares come down with what I thought was a really awful cold- two mares in the lot that up against their horse pen. It was difficult to get rid of, and they felt horrible. I was told by my vet to just let it run it's course as it was the 'season' and lots of stuff was going around the valley. They finally recovered - the other two mares in with them never got it.
Then a couple of weeks later, two youngsters in the other lot on the other side of the property got it. And this time, they got the tell tale swollen jaw/throat area along with it.
I called the vet again immediately and she gave me instruction, etc... on how to proceed from here... what a horrible mess. Bleaching buckets and feeders daily. Giving them meds for the fever, etc.... using Lysol wipes on their noses. She gave me instructions also on the swellings that would break open.
All I can say is OMG- Saturday of last week the filly's broke open... I have never dealt with anything so gross and I don't have a weak stomache. I am just glad I did not waste time that morning eating breakfast. By Sunday, instead of the first two ruptures, she has about six!! They seem to have pretty much quit draining now- the icky stuff anyhow, so am working on healing up the open holes (two are big enough I could stick my thumbs in and I dont have tiny hands).
The poor colt is swollen and appears he will break open soon.... I have a third horse that the last couple of days sounds 'suspicous' so am watching her to see if she may be getting it.
Has anyone else had experience with this and any handy ideas on getting this to pass more quickly? The vet said to let it run it's course, but I feel so sorry for them - it is obvious they do not feel well. I just keep their feeders full of feed to pick in because they are not eating that much.
Keeping everything bleached and using the Lysol wipes and fly spray daily (the vet said the Lysol kills the germs)- She also had me use the ichthamol salve on the swollen areas to help draw the infection out and I am using disposable diapers to cover and 'bandage' the area. This also keeps the infected matter from dripping all over the place as well, further spreading germs.
HOW LONG DOES THIS TAKE TO PASS??!!! It has been two weeks for these guys and the colt has yet to open and drain his jaws, but his just started swelling the last three days- after the filly's had already swelled and ruptured open.
I find it odd too, that the first two mares never got swollen areas or ruptured open.... as I thought was always a symptom of strangles but then found out it is not always.
I will be spraying the entire property down with bleach this weekend from front to back, fencing and all-
Anybody have anything else to add that I could/should do? I do not wear the same shoes/clothes around the other horses that I do with these two, and I make sure everyone else is fed and done before going into their pens, but I had at least 2 others directly exposed to these guys....
Good grief..... it has been exhausting and worrisome for these poor guys
So if anyone else has some handy hints on dealing with this, let me know!!!! I can't do much about the horse traffic next door, but I am making sure I am not going anywhere there is any other horses, horse property, etc... and have pretty much quarantined myself and the place period.