Mini Gaits Farm
Well-Known Member
Oh...I guess then "NO" horse is ever just born mean. Is that really what you think? Like some humans are not just pure "mean"...their parents caused it "right"....or in the case of just had to be the handler or "lack" of training. If you truly believe this, then you just haven't been around the right horse. I am speaking of horses in general...lets just take the big and little thing out of this. As stated in my other post, I choose minis now "because" of their size and disposition. I don't use any type of chain, whip or even twitch unless absolutely necessary (which is rare). I don't have to bully the foals to train just takes time an patience for the most part.Here is the way I have seen it for years that I have been around and working horses and Ponies now.
PEOPLE screw UP HORSES and PONIES.....If they would take the time and TRAIN and WORK them you will have a Horse that will be grteat to be around for adults as well as for the kids.
Someone posted on here a Stallion would charge as she went in his space.... But then says she would have to use a STUD CHAIN cuz he would eat her up.... Firts how did she catch him if he is so mean and second after catching him they use a chain in mouth or over nose...... I would want to rip someone up after all that toooo.
What I have seen in the small equine is that people do not take the same time TRAINING them as the Large ones. I think it is do to they are smaller and people can push, shove and they think cuz (people) are bigger the little ones must listen and take the punches.
If you are going to quote the story of the mini stallion...then you need to get it right....the woman brought the stallion back here after he was pretty much "ruined" (actually the woman had bruises all over her where he had bitten her) a seller...even after a year of her "mishandling" and because I didn't want her to get hurt...I agreed to take him back and try to answer your questions....I didn't turn him out in the pasture...I put him in a stall....I entered with a small riding crop and when he pinned his ears and came at me with his mouth wide open I slapped him on the end of the nose with the crop....then I put the chain in his mouth....with no tension....he was biting the chain and chewing on it (once again...diversion of his attention).....BUT...when he went to bite my leg...he quickly learned that "his actions" caused "tension" on the chain and that was uncomfortable to him (bottom line...HE was causing it NOT me). He quit both trying to attack me in the stall and trying to bite me when I was leading him. We worked up rather quickly to needing "NO" chain...I would pat him and reward him with kind words...He left a "new" owner as a gentleman....and he still is to this day....not hurt...not mean.....just trained.
Like I said in an earlier post...some people have been fortunate enough to only encounter "nice" horses and there are others of us that have been around a bit more and have learned that there are all different kinds out there are in humans, dogs and such. When you are in a position that it is going to be either you getting hurt...or you need to use a "training tool"...then the pros turn to the tools as that is why they were invented. Yes...lots and lots of the problems with horses are "created" by are correct about that....but you can bet that all of them aren't.
I don't look at tactful training as abuse...I look at starvation, neglect and several others things as such...but never good training.
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