Suggestions on a good book about raising a foal??

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Can anyone suggest a good book about raising a foal? I researched and read for a year about "having" the foal, but now need help with raising and training her. I have questions every day as each day she does new and exciting things. I'd like to learn about her behavior and whether it's appropriate or not. I would be on this website for hours asking questions! Thanks for any suggestions!!
LOL,..I am sure I will be going through the EXACT same thing,...hopefully soon,... :bgrin

I am no expert , NO means,.........but,..wouldnt Blessed are the Foals, a good one??

I think honestly one of the best things would be to stay and read up on the topics on this forum.

The people here are way better than any book.
I totally agree that this forum is indespensible, but as a reader, I like to indulge myself. I've heard of Blessed are the Brood Mares. Didn't know about the "Foals". I'll hunt that one down. I just have so many daily questions and I feel like a dork constantly asking people on this site. But I guess if my questions help someone else, than it's a good thing. I only want to do the right thing by my little "charges" and I need all the help I can get.

First there are no dumb questions. If you have questions someone here can help with an answer. You did not say how old your foal was. With mine after the first week we start hands on. Just loving them, handling their ears, handling their legs, getting mom and foal safe with us being next to them. After two weeks halters. Just getting them accustom to wearing one. Just a few minutes a day. After three weeks leadline. Again just a little bit at a time. All of these things will help them and you in case you needed to take them to the vet or transport thru your pasture.

When they are born you can easily pick them up if necessary. But at one month old today - Kisses - is already 25 1/2 inches tall and to heavy for me to pick up.

Also this helps when mom and foal are turned out. We have spent so much time with our little ones that it is very easy to move them from one place to another.

And do not forget about mom. The first week mom can be very protective. That is ok. Just talk to them - give them a big hug - brush them.

Inapprioate behavior - that is a question by question issue. I do not know what you consider inapprioate.

Remember the more time and energy you spend with the foal now to get them accustom to human contact - the better friend they will become now - the better adult horse they will be in the future.

Thanks Millie...what I mean by inappropriate behavior is that she will be mouthy with my pants and then rear up a little. I thought that was meant to be a little dominating, so I gently pushed her back, and then turned my back on her. Was that okay?

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