Sunburn question

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
I have an appaloosa. Several days ago I noticed wrinkles around his withers and he seems tender there and along his back. I wonder if it could be sunburn? The summer has been brutal here. The horses have plenty of shade, but they don't always choose to use it. I bought some spray sunscreen today with good UV protection and I'm going to try that.

Do you think sunburn could be possible? He is not clipped. Do not notice any sunburn sign on his nose.

Shoudl I confine him in a shelter during the day?
What color is he?

I know a couple of mine in the past (both palomino fewspots) were VERY susceptible to sunburn -- especially around their eyes, and so I would stall them during the heat of the day, and let them out in the evening and overnight. Some with lots of sclera around their eyes can get a bit burned so I fly mask them. Then some, just their noses would get sunburned -- so I used a cream on them to help protect the sensitive skin.

Sunburn is always possible. Even if they're not clipped, if they have short coats, it's possible. Do you have a picture of the area? I'm a little confused about the description.
The problem isn't his face, though I did double check his nose today and it might be a little affected. He wears a fly mask during the day. It is this wierd wrinkle thing going on along the withers. He seems a little senstive to brushing in the area also. I don't want to put a harness on him until I figure out what is going on. Dehyration?? He's a good drinker and his poop looks normal and lots of it. You can see he has rubbed his mane, but I don't see any evidence of insects. I think it just feels good to rub on the mesquite trees. I have been bathing him more regularly in the iodine shampoo lately, however. I am embarassed to be seen with him in public at this point!

I have him confined in the shelter today out of the sun.

Flies? I've noticed that when mine are rubbing alot and itching from the flies that their skin wrinkles like this. And they get touchy there too.
Trimmer was out today and she said the wither area looks swollen. She said to try an antihistimine. So I will try that. It could still be a sun thing; I get sun poisoning sometimes myself. Or he could be rolling in something. Or it could be the flax supplement. I'll do the antihistime twice a day, drop the flax, and keep him confined in the shade for a couple of days and see if it improves.

We don't have any flies but there are those wee pesky gnat critters.
Yes, weve been battling the gnats here for a couple months. They are tiny. I have a couple horses who have rubbed raw spots. I know am using that spot on treatment on those horses and pyranah fly spray and it seems to have helped.

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