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I bought a new driving mare at a sale in Iowa in September. My "I" bought a mare I mean I had a trusted friend go to the sale for me and pick out one he thought would be a good match for my needs. He bought me a great little 10 year old sorrel pinto mare whom I love. She's exactly what I was looking for. I named her Candace
She was a round little thing, as a lot of minis are, when I got her. We've been driving her around for pleasure with our other horses and she never seemed to lose any weight. My horses are down with my parents horses in the winter since their weather is good all winter long. I hadn't seen Candace in about a month and when I saw her on Monday I was shocked. My dad thought she was fat but I'm pretty sure she's pregnant. Her belly is really low and not really round. It kinda sticks out on the side (sometimes more one side than the other) and then is really round underneath. My gelding, Major, has a round belly but he's round from his spine all the way around. Her spine is flat...maybe just a bit higher than her back even.
No idea who the father is since she was bought at a sale. I'm a little overwhelmed since I've always left breeding to the pros. She's in a dirt stall made from regular pipe horse panels. We had calf panels wired to them because we felt that the minis could roll right under them so the foal should be safe as far as escaping or anything getting to her. The barn and horse property is about 8 miles from my parents house and they are down there twice a day. 8:30AM and 6:30PM. The neighbor has a lot of experience with foaling and Candace is in a stall that he can see directly from his property. He's said he'll do a visual check when he's at his place which is usually 2-3 times a day since he keeps his work trucks there. Also, our property is right next to a rock quarry and the woman who works in the office has her window looking out on our property directly and we've talked to her. She's a horse person and told us she alerted the last owner to one of his horses foaling so she's keeping an eye on them Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00.
Anything I need to know to get me through this. Our vet said just let her do her thing and call if there seems to be an issue with her or the foal. He said the dirt stall is fine since it's not deep sand. Should we give her some straw anyway?? She's eating pretty much free choice grass hay right now. Do I need to add grain or anything now or not until she's nursing? We have no eyes on her during the night and I'm sure that's when she'll decide to give birth... I'm way out of my depth here.

These pics are 4 days apart. The first one is from Tuesday April 3rd when I first realized she must be pregnant. The second was taken on Saturday April 7th. Her udders were much more swollen in just 4 days.

Is everyone with me in thinking she is, indeed, pregnant?
She was a round little thing, as a lot of minis are, when I got her. We've been driving her around for pleasure with our other horses and she never seemed to lose any weight. My horses are down with my parents horses in the winter since their weather is good all winter long. I hadn't seen Candace in about a month and when I saw her on Monday I was shocked. My dad thought she was fat but I'm pretty sure she's pregnant. Her belly is really low and not really round. It kinda sticks out on the side (sometimes more one side than the other) and then is really round underneath. My gelding, Major, has a round belly but he's round from his spine all the way around. Her spine is flat...maybe just a bit higher than her back even.
No idea who the father is since she was bought at a sale. I'm a little overwhelmed since I've always left breeding to the pros. She's in a dirt stall made from regular pipe horse panels. We had calf panels wired to them because we felt that the minis could roll right under them so the foal should be safe as far as escaping or anything getting to her. The barn and horse property is about 8 miles from my parents house and they are down there twice a day. 8:30AM and 6:30PM. The neighbor has a lot of experience with foaling and Candace is in a stall that he can see directly from his property. He's said he'll do a visual check when he's at his place which is usually 2-3 times a day since he keeps his work trucks there. Also, our property is right next to a rock quarry and the woman who works in the office has her window looking out on our property directly and we've talked to her. She's a horse person and told us she alerted the last owner to one of his horses foaling so she's keeping an eye on them Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00.
Anything I need to know to get me through this. Our vet said just let her do her thing and call if there seems to be an issue with her or the foal. He said the dirt stall is fine since it's not deep sand. Should we give her some straw anyway?? She's eating pretty much free choice grass hay right now. Do I need to add grain or anything now or not until she's nursing? We have no eyes on her during the night and I'm sure that's when she'll decide to give birth... I'm way out of my depth here.

These pics are 4 days apart. The first one is from Tuesday April 3rd when I first realized she must be pregnant. The second was taken on Saturday April 7th. Her udders were much more swollen in just 4 days.

Is everyone with me in thinking she is, indeed, pregnant?
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