Finn is really sick! please pray for him...
so upset...
have been out with him all day, and he was fine... came back in for maybe an hour, went out to feed and saw him rolling a little thought that was ok... brought them both inside and he just rolled constantly! would not stop!!! of course I got very scared rang my good friend Karen and Renee (Anyssa Park) and got the vet straight out!
HR was 180!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we got him on glucose fluids, gave him a shot of finnadine/ Bannamine vet has given me more just in case (thank goodness!!)
gums were very tacky! and NO sound from gut at all!!
he got the catheder out after 150mm
would have liked him to have more... but every little bit helps... after an hour we checked his HR again had gone down to 98 Thank Goodness!!!!
gums had pinkened a little bit but still a little pale
sorry will continue later just rang vet back with a report she wants us to take him into the vets...
going to call my friend and get her to bring her float... and take a trip...
please everyone please PRAY!!!!!!! I don't want to do surgery!!!!!!