My little fluffy man is almost 3 months old can you believe it??!!! He is such a fluffy mushroom! I keep seeing everyone's sleek new babies and think why is mine so fluffy!!
Any ideas how I can help him lose his coat? I've been brushing him heaps and have started rugging him on the cooler nights... Ideas would be appreciated, SuZie is almost to summer coat! She's so fat but looks AMAZING! Definitely hope to get her out to some broodmare classes later in the season! ?
Pippin is doing well, such a funny little lover!
I never seem to see him trotting though, if he runs anywhere he always canters, any ideas why that could be?
He's doing great with lead training and we even had a tie up lesson the other day while I was giving him scratches, did fantastic!
Pics for you
of my fluffy chicken mushroom! Such a fatty!!! ( is he too fat? And how do I reduce his weight?)
It's also calving time, we have 5 new babies! One I had to deliver, so glad we have the calf puller, no way was that mumma getting him out herself, thankfully we saved both calf and mum and they're doing great!