I should explain my flip comment about my horses not being nice to me, so how would they be nice to other critters? First, I should say that they are not mean animals. They don't lunge for me or come at me baring teeth, but yes, they do try and push me around, yes they have nipped me a couple of times and I definitely know that they don't see me as alpha anything (btw this happens mostly when I bring them treats). As I've mentioned on other posts I adopted these 2 minis from a rescue. I have grown to love them both but they are very challenging for me. They play with or fight (not hurting) with each other all the time. When I try to interact with them in the paddock, they don't stop their play fighting with each other, so I kind of get caught between them. If Cooper, the 5 year old, has been nipping at Rocky, he will turn and nip at me. He's not being mean, he's just hasn't yet understood that he shouldn't nip at me. I don't think either of them had any training before I got them. Once a week all summer, I have had a trainer come to my place to teach the boys basic manners. She continues to come every other week or so, when the weather is warm enough. They have come a long way. I can now halter them up, take them for walks, brush them, pick their hooves (Rocky sometimes, Cooper always), but they still have much to learn (so do I). Previously, I have owned only middle aged, well trained horses, so as I said, this has been challenging for me. I should be clear, when they do something inappropriate, I do correct it immediately, but it seems to have almost no affect, again mostly with the 5 year old. I know people with horse experience will say what I say next shouldn't matter but it does: it doesn't help that I am 69 yrs. old, 4'11" and weigh 100 lbs., I'm the size of a 10 year old! That may sound like a cop out, but it's not. Taller individuals have no idea what it's like to be small even compared to a mini horse

This isn't a boohoo moment, and I'm no weakling, I'm just saying what's true. I'm not giving up, I will continue to work with my boys and hope that someday I will get them to the point where they actually pay attention to me. Maybe I'll actually get to take a photo of them all dressed up with pyramids of cats on their backs!