sweetys offical foaling thread

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I dont think he is a Dunalino as they still look like a Palominos just more washed out and would still have the flaxen mane and tail.

My mare Slaney is a Dunalino and she looks like a Pale pally and its only in the summer that you can see her dorsal (her dam was a red dun and her sire was a palomino)

I think he is either a dunskin (Buckskin + Dun) or a Black Dun maybe even a smokey Black Dun or should I say Grullo. What colour is the Daddy?
He is lovely! CONGRATS!

I will ask Lyric what she did with the filly fairy but I hope you and Cassie didn't steal my colt!

As for colour I'd wait and see, the foals can do so much changing even in the first month.

Correct me if I'm wrong anyone but won't a dun require a dorsal stripe? And how much is required of the additional shading on face/legs etc?

If he has the stripe then he is a dun. If he doesn't I think he is a buckskin.

But I don't think he is a dunalino, his shading and points seem way to dark for that.
hi all little beau beau is doing really well still got the vet comeing to see if he got enough

clostrom...he has a big black dorsal stripe down his back so hard to tell what colour he is will

take some more pics later.....oh and the vet turned up last night half drunk not good..

well got to go feed my babys back soon
hi all little beau beau is doing really well still got the vet comeing to see if he got enough

clostrom...he has a big black dorsal stripe down his back so hard to tell what colour he is will

take some more pics later.....oh and the vet turned up last night half drunk not good..

well got to go feed my babys back soon
are you serious!! what and he was the vet on call!!! thats terrible! imagine if he had done something wrong, from being under the influence...
smacks for the vet! can't wait to see pics of little Beau all cleaned up n looking cute!! have you got him in the paddock? how is Sweety? is she a good mum??
swetty is munching on her breaky and beau is really getting into the milk bar

his leg are very bent like your little man cassie and seems to ne limping ...

his of side front leg is abit bent to so hope thay come good maybe have to put a splint on him

iam really hoping thay come good

oh sweety hasnt had a poo yet is that normal?????????????????///
Suzie didn't for a while either... wasn't till mid morning the next day that she had done one...

oh thats sad that his legs are bent that bad... Finn was never limping, n his is straightening every day... have you kept him in the stable if they are that bad??
no hes out in the paddock running around..but i will get the hopefully sober vet to

give him a good check up when he comes ....

so ithink i must better go take some more photos
yeah you definitley should! lol otherwise you will have a cranky Aunty Diane, Renee Anna, Lindi!! LOl n you don't want that

glad he is able to run around! let me know what the vet thinks
naw!! that is tooo precious!! love that first pic Jenny!! but we need some of him up on his little legs! how tall is he?

well iam realy sad vet came out and he has dislocated stifle joint vet try to put it back in but it kept poping back out

i dont no what to do has anyone heard of this or had the same thing

to get it surgerly fix iam looking at about 2 grand and will never be able to breed from him

please any advice would be great
That's really sad

Obviously a hard choice so my recommendation is to take emotion out of it.

It will cost 2k to fix, on top of that you will need gelding costs.

The average cost of a registered gelding with no record ranges from $500 to $1500

Are you able to afford this treatment, and any other arising costs, knowing that you will not make your money back?

What are his chances of long term future soundness?

I'm really sorry you're dealing with this, I don't know if this will be of any help.

I'm thinking of you
Oh gosh, how sad, as wings has said you will need to be practical here.

Is he in pain?

how much can you afford to spend?

what will his future be?

Try asking around, perhaps you could give him as a gift to someone who can afford his surgery.

i send prayers and hugs

thanks guys i just cant keep back the crying iam so upset

no i cant afford the surgery...has anyone had it before and what have thay done
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I wish I could give you a hug
I have never had it before so I can't help, sorry
Oh I'm so sorry Jenny.

Did the vet actually say 'stifle' or kneecap/patella? Never heard of a dislocated stifle - hip, yes but not stifle. You have also said that he is moving around quite happily/easily and drinking normally. Is this the leg he is limping with and if so HOW is he limping/carrying it?

Sorry for all the questions, but I am thinking that if it were me and he seemed happy, then I would simply give him some time. Keep him and Sweety apart from the others, but give them plenty of time out and continue to put them in a stall at night - give plenty of bedding for the little chap, deep/thick enough so that when he lays down for his long night time sleep, the stifle joint (if he lays that side) is well cushioned away from the hard floor. Do not let anyone 'fiddle' with the joint again - they may cause more damage to an area that might just correct itself as everything else straightens out over the next few weeks.

If you have seen the pics of my little 'wonky' filly on Suzie's thread, i can tell you that her knee joints, her hock joints and probably her stifles would have been 'classed' as misplaced due to their misposition, but with time and her gaining in strength, her muscles and tendons slowly pulled everything back into the correct place. So as long as your little Beau is moving happily around at his own pace and most importantly feeding, then please dont give up yet and give nature time to heal herself.

Also it would not be fair to take Sweety's new baby away from her - unless there was real distress to Beau - time to make that decision at a later date if indeed it is needed.

Think positive Jenny, our prayers are with you, Sweety and little Beau, and prayers can achieve miracles.
Awww Jenny I am crying for you
how awful for your new little man!! Bless anna n her beautiful knowledgeable self!!!

I'm sending you so many hugs wish we lived closer I would come n give them in person!!!!

Hugs for your little man

thanks everyone vet said its his kneecap patella and not to let him run around much... he is limping on his leg

iam deverstated i hope your right and he does comr good.......little beau is very happy and can run but with a limp and drinking well he just cant leave the milk bar

alone....omg what do i do
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