Well-Known Member
What a week end! Its so fun to see everyone I have made friends with (over this first year for me). We arrived about 2:30 in the afternoon, unloaded, got Abby settled in and went off to get my packet and see if they had the Darby course set up. It was, and I walked it until my legs hurt. I saw Bob Giles and we set up a lesson for later in the day. John (he and his wife Erika put on these shows) was in the ring putting the final balls on the course he said I could bring Abby up and hand walk her over the bridge. I couldn't get back to the barn fast enough to get her. She walked over it no problem, I was so relieved but I know that what they do in hand is not always what they do harnessed up.
My goal this week end is to win my dressage. I have worked so hard on that it would make the week end.
I had my lesson with Bob, we worked on school figures, impulsion (of course), and 1 handed driving.
She did well I felt we were as ready as we were ever going to be.
We were the second to go in the Darby. It started out very well and then we came to the bridge, she jumped onto it and jumped off it! It got quite a big laugh from the crowd, but at least she went over it. As the weekend went on and we did it so many times she finally went over it pretty smooth. We didnt win it I'm not even sure what place we came in. Friday night came to a very late end, got home about 11.
We had dressage at 9:07 and it was cold! It was in the low 40's, Abby was so cold she was shivering when I was harnessing her. I felt so bad for her. Once we got moving she warmed up. I started my test, I had a pretty good bend and flex, we had a nice halt, and headed to M, it was the test to see if she would go into the corner and stay on the rail at C end. She did it ! We had some loss of impulsion, my circles could have been better, and of course my walk need to be better when I asked for her to move more forward she broke but all in all I felt we had a pretty good test. Off we went to cones. I always have the slowest time. I worked on trying to keep her forward and not to slow down coming into them. I thought we did O.K. we did knock down 1 ball. Cones has always been my worse event. It was a pretty tight and wiggly course, very few straight lines. She went over the bridge again several times she was getting more comfortable with it. I didnt need to cool her out, she was so cold already! I put her away and went to help out at the cones course.
Sat. night ended up at the competitors dinner and I was home by 9.
Sunday I was first to go in Hazards at 8:45, it was much warmer I needed to be at safety check at 8:30 we were there and ready to go. We did O.K. I try to turn her too tight and we loose momentum.
Finally the results of our hard work..........
Cones Second Place
Hazards Third Place
Over all Second Place and GRAND CHAMPION for the series!
I was blown away. I got a 59.27 in Dressage, but we got 2 8s one on my transition to the trot and keeping the trot on the long side, and in collective remarks the driver (me) got an 8! My goal to win Dressage came this weekend.
This was the jumping into the bridge in the darby.............
Cones course...
My goal this week end is to win my dressage. I have worked so hard on that it would make the week end.
I had my lesson with Bob, we worked on school figures, impulsion (of course), and 1 handed driving.
She did well I felt we were as ready as we were ever going to be.
We were the second to go in the Darby. It started out very well and then we came to the bridge, she jumped onto it and jumped off it! It got quite a big laugh from the crowd, but at least she went over it. As the weekend went on and we did it so many times she finally went over it pretty smooth. We didnt win it I'm not even sure what place we came in. Friday night came to a very late end, got home about 11.
We had dressage at 9:07 and it was cold! It was in the low 40's, Abby was so cold she was shivering when I was harnessing her. I felt so bad for her. Once we got moving she warmed up. I started my test, I had a pretty good bend and flex, we had a nice halt, and headed to M, it was the test to see if she would go into the corner and stay on the rail at C end. She did it ! We had some loss of impulsion, my circles could have been better, and of course my walk need to be better when I asked for her to move more forward she broke but all in all I felt we had a pretty good test. Off we went to cones. I always have the slowest time. I worked on trying to keep her forward and not to slow down coming into them. I thought we did O.K. we did knock down 1 ball. Cones has always been my worse event. It was a pretty tight and wiggly course, very few straight lines. She went over the bridge again several times she was getting more comfortable with it. I didnt need to cool her out, she was so cold already! I put her away and went to help out at the cones course.
Sat. night ended up at the competitors dinner and I was home by 9.
Sunday I was first to go in Hazards at 8:45, it was much warmer I needed to be at safety check at 8:30 we were there and ready to go. We did O.K. I try to turn her too tight and we loose momentum.
Finally the results of our hard work..........
Cones Second Place
Hazards Third Place
Over all Second Place and GRAND CHAMPION for the series!
I was blown away. I got a 59.27 in Dressage, but we got 2 8s one on my transition to the trot and keeping the trot on the long side, and in collective remarks the driver (me) got an 8! My goal to win Dressage came this weekend.
This was the jumping into the bridge in the darby.............

Cones course...