There were tears, seriously!
I've been kind of quiet here on the forum, that's because I'm learning to ride a motorcycle! It's be challenging but heaps of fun. Let me give you a little insight to a ride we did last week.
We began by getting the bikes ready and of course, my little horses have to be part of everything!
So Ivan and I head out for a local ride through the mountains when I got home from work...
A short stop in Greendale..
Then onto Korobeit, then Mt Blackwood. I tell Ivan that I'd like to get some photos along the way and he suggested we get to the top of the mountain. Sure I say, no problems...been there in the car before, I know the road.
Sooo, Ivan heads off infront of me and the road we turn onto is gravel. That's fine, I can do gravel. The road begins to get a bit rough where it had been washed out from all of the rain. It was fine, just took it real slow. Then the road changes. Huge friggen craters and gullies appear, big enough to swallow my bike!
The gravel is chunky and all torn up
I can feel my bike fighting against the road surface. You how they tell you not to look at the potholes when riding as you will end up in them? Well, I couldn't keep my eyes off the gullies and craters and of course, that's where I ended up!
By this point, Ivan has gone a bit ahead of me and I am starting to panic. The hill gets steeper and steeper and more rocky. I am in 1st gear and riding slowly. I was heading right for a huge hole so I stopped my bike, on the gravel, on the huge hill. My heart was pounding, I was sweating and almost in tears. I was cursing Ivan for taking me on this road from heck.
I take off again after stalling twice and got a little further up the hill and the same thing happened again. I am so mad at this point, bloody husband! Then I see Ivan off his bike at the top of the mountain which seemed so far away, waving at me to get a move on!!! What the!!! ?? I'm a mess dear husband.
I finally make it to the top and I am in a very bad mood!! The next part of the conversation went something like this..(keep in mind that I hardly ever use bad language!):furious:
Ivan "you made it"
* I rip my helmet off and throw my gloves and jacket in rage*[/i]
Me " are you out of your friggen mind? I'm a learner!! How dare you drag me up such crapty roads on my bike, it's not made for bike couldnt handle it"
Ivan " yes it could, you're here, on top of the mountain. You didn't drop the bike, you kept it going"
Me " I'm not ready for that kind of bloody riding Ivan, it shook me up badly. Look at me, I'm a mess"
Ivan " You have to learn to ride on all road surfaces, you need to be prepared for stuff like this"
Me "why didn't you stop when you noticed me having trouble? I couldn't do it"
Ivan " stop your sulking and take a look around you, it's beautiful up here and worth the effort hey!"
Me " now look at me, I'm crying!!"
I storm off crying like a baby, trying to calm down. Ivan takes a photo to capture the moment. Smart a**.
Anyway, I'm still crapty but I did take the time to take in the views.
Now we head back down the hill which was so much easier. I get Ivan to take a photo of the stupid hill which looks so tame but it is much bigger and scarier than the photo shows. Really, it is.
So I'm home safe and sound. I'm still quietly crapty, but kind of proud that I did make it up the mountain. Bit-o-tough-love from Ivan paid off, but don't tell him that!
I've been kind of quiet here on the forum, that's because I'm learning to ride a motorcycle! It's be challenging but heaps of fun. Let me give you a little insight to a ride we did last week.
We began by getting the bikes ready and of course, my little horses have to be part of everything!

So Ivan and I head out for a local ride through the mountains when I got home from work...
A short stop in Greendale..
Then onto Korobeit, then Mt Blackwood. I tell Ivan that I'd like to get some photos along the way and he suggested we get to the top of the mountain. Sure I say, no problems...been there in the car before, I know the road.
Sooo, Ivan heads off infront of me and the road we turn onto is gravel. That's fine, I can do gravel. The road begins to get a bit rough where it had been washed out from all of the rain. It was fine, just took it real slow. Then the road changes. Huge friggen craters and gullies appear, big enough to swallow my bike!
I can feel my bike fighting against the road surface. You how they tell you not to look at the potholes when riding as you will end up in them? Well, I couldn't keep my eyes off the gullies and craters and of course, that's where I ended up!
By this point, Ivan has gone a bit ahead of me and I am starting to panic. The hill gets steeper and steeper and more rocky. I am in 1st gear and riding slowly. I was heading right for a huge hole so I stopped my bike, on the gravel, on the huge hill. My heart was pounding, I was sweating and almost in tears. I was cursing Ivan for taking me on this road from heck.
I take off again after stalling twice and got a little further up the hill and the same thing happened again. I am so mad at this point, bloody husband! Then I see Ivan off his bike at the top of the mountain which seemed so far away, waving at me to get a move on!!! What the!!! ?? I'm a mess dear husband.
I finally make it to the top and I am in a very bad mood!! The next part of the conversation went something like this..(keep in mind that I hardly ever use bad language!):furious:
Ivan "you made it"
* I rip my helmet off and throw my gloves and jacket in rage*[/i]
Me " are you out of your friggen mind? I'm a learner!! How dare you drag me up such crapty roads on my bike, it's not made for bike couldnt handle it"
Ivan " yes it could, you're here, on top of the mountain. You didn't drop the bike, you kept it going"
Me " I'm not ready for that kind of bloody riding Ivan, it shook me up badly. Look at me, I'm a mess"
Ivan " You have to learn to ride on all road surfaces, you need to be prepared for stuff like this"
Me "why didn't you stop when you noticed me having trouble? I couldn't do it"
Ivan " stop your sulking and take a look around you, it's beautiful up here and worth the effort hey!"
Me " now look at me, I'm crying!!"
I storm off crying like a baby, trying to calm down. Ivan takes a photo to capture the moment. Smart a**.

Anyway, I'm still crapty but I did take the time to take in the views.

Now we head back down the hill which was so much easier. I get Ivan to take a photo of the stupid hill which looks so tame but it is much bigger and scarier than the photo shows. Really, it is.

So I'm home safe and sound. I'm still quietly crapty, but kind of proud that I did make it up the mountain. Bit-o-tough-love from Ivan paid off, but don't tell him that!