a mini dream come true
Well-Known Member

Kay, you have been so wonderful and vigilent with Annie's care and given her the best possible care. She is very lucky to have such a loving, caring and knowledgable mom and dad.
Go Annie!!!!

What wonderful people you are... THANKYOUAnnie is going to OSU thanks to some donors. I am just stunned and so touched. It is so hard to accept this help and I feel so bad doing it, but they have expressed that they want to give annie her best chance. Russ is hooking up the trailer. OSU said at this point (since shes limping) hours count and they want her there as fast as possible. We have a big storm hitting so I am hoping that doesnt screw us up. Hubby has to get here there and be at work by 1 so we are cutting it close. I just wanted to let you all know so you know why they are leaving the stall.
I just cannot even say in words what this means to us
Don't feel bad, Kay. Thank YOU for giving us a concrete way to help!kaykay said:Annie is going to OSU thanks to some donors. I am just stunned and so touched. It is so hard to accept this help and I feel so bad doing it, but they have expressed that they want to give annie her best chance.
kaykay said:About 5 miles from OSU in downtown Columbus the trailer came off the truck. I have never been so scared in all my life as seeing that trailer fly up and hit the truck. Thank God Russ had a cool head and somehow controlled the truck and trailer and got us pulled off the hwy. Police and OSU vet team came roadside. Assesed Tease and Annie and led us the rest of the way to the hospital. And all of this was during a thunder storm. Guess that was our cherry on top.
I literally thought my heart was going to come out of my chest.::quietly has a heart attack in the corner::