Tease Looking Close? Maybe? Hopefully?

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I have also been following this. I hope that you feel better soon. Finally found the site for the barn cam and have been watching Tease too Hope she foals soon. She looks happy though
I cant tell you all how much I appreciate the help!

I kinda worried that now we are all so used to seeing her "fake labor" that when the real one comes we will all be like "sure sure" lmao

I have to say though she is fun to watch. Lets all make popcorn.
I've been checking in, but have dial up, so I constantly need to refreash. she has teased me to death! sorry to hear you are sick, I had that nasty flu in Oct. caught it from hubby that got it at work. still have a bit of a cough, drives me crazy and it's been months. As soon as I thought it was gone, I'd get a cold or alergies, whatever. Hope you get well soon.
It has been very hard for me to watch any live foalings this year after my rough season but I had to look since this tread is so long and WOW, Kay that is one gorgeous mare
. I wish you the best and hope you get exactly what the fortune teller said you would
Well I was up all night with the pink eye (drops dont seem to be working this time) and she really never got real agitated like normal.

It was like I woke up out of my flu fog 4 or 5 days ago and was like "omg look how fat she is" You can really see it on her neck. People that know me - know I am a stickler for not letting minis/ponies get fat so I was so upset with myself. But thinking that she was due 60 days ago, we upped her grain too soon. She is not happy having her grain cut at all. "heck hath no fury like a mini on a diet!"

Im hoping when Kyle gets home he will feed for me. Can barely get my eyes open due to swelling. Ughh

We were supposed to go to a show this weekend but thats out due to Tease and my never ending illness
Kay, first Flirt - now Tease - you need to name her foal Anticipation. We are also watching a maiden mare (Amazing Grace) with a due date of May 5 - So I'm in sympathy with you and feel your pain.

As I shared with Les - they "eventually" will foal.
I am glad you are feeling a tad better Kay but sorry about the yucky eye.
I don't think there is much chance of us not noticing when Tease is in labour as we know her sooooooooooooo well by now. I am finally healthy now after 21 days
Maybe this is a marestare bug???? Hubby thinks it would be cheaper to trade me in for a younger woman than to pay for all my medicine
just wait til you pee your pants from coughing so much
. The hill to old age is slippery and steep
Kay, first Flirt - now Tease - you need to name her foal Anticipation. We are also watching a maiden mare (Amazing Grace) with a due date of May 5 - So I'm in sympathy with you and feel your pain.
I know right?!! I should have known it was inherited. I think she has now beat her own foal watch (Flirt her dam) This is the longest marestare ever.

So funny because we were talking about naming it

Baxters Endless Anticipation

Good things come to those who wait and wait and wait and wait lol

just wait til you pee your pants from coughing so muchPosted Image. The hill to old age is slippery and steepPosted Image
Already there! lmao!! I hate getting old!
Do you want me to have Lex have a talk with her? lol Lex was gracious enough to foal at 321 days at 3pm in the afternoon
Thats so mean Matt! LOL. My buddy fran had all 3 of her foals born during the day this year. What are the odds?? Im so jealous! We usually have at least one daytime foaling but havent had one yet this year.

eventually she will foal eventually she will foal eventually she will foal

Hubby said "why didnt you ask the physic when she would foal?!" duh I cannot believe I didnt ask. Might have saved me some long nights? Then again maybe not.
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Kay why don't you try stuffing a dummy with old clothes and sitting it outside Tease's stall??? Maybe she will feel watched and foal during the day like all mine did last year after I sat in the cold barn for a month
At least we could stare at someone else playing statue

You might get a phone call from an Aunty saying the person on night watch doesn't look too well
Diane my heart breaks for you. We had a year like that years ago and it was devastating. I am sending prayers for your mare to have a easy foaling and healthy foal.

I do not think we will see a foal tonight. Udder has not gotten any bigger since yesterday. I really have no clue at this point of when she is due.

My eyes got way worse today I dont know why the drops are not working. I may have to give up and go to the dr tomorrow. Really hard to type so if I am quite you guys know why
1:27 am Tease Time. Hard to tell on Cam; but she does seem to look some different. Kind of looks like she's sunk in front of the hip bones to me (unless it's shadowing). I think she's got her oven set on Low Roast (or is it Slow Roast)!!!!!!!
2.15 am tease time and she is hoovering her stall.

Diane, any news' I send prayers for a safe and easy foal. This year was tough on many people so you are not alone ((((((hugs)))))))
Well my husband asks why I am not watching my own mares lol.

But I now believe they have caught the Tease bug through the internet as 1 mare is a week over today and the other is due tomorrow but they have no intention of doing anything anytime soon. Slaney will go another week or moreby the look of her and the maiden - well she is a maiden and a miniature - need I say more

Oh and 4.35 Tease time and she is grazing her stall (as are mine). See I told you it was catching
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Wow! I just read thru (skimming most) all 21 pages of this thread...and still no baby??? How frustrating...LOL!! I'm glad I haven't been keeping watch all this time...

If you hadn't shown that preggo pic, I would have been asking...are you sure she is pregnant?? LOL!!

I do hope she foals for you soon...and you feel better Kay!
Diane is your mare on the internet? I could help watch her if she is
Gosh, I can't believe miss Tease is still holding onto that baby. I bet she is just miserable. I have been watching and waiting ever so patiently, I hope she pops soon!

Kay and Diane, I hope you lovely ladies are healthy soon! Nothing like worrying over pregs while sick.

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