Tease Looking Close? Maybe? Hopefully?

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2.15am and she is really restless
Any news?? (sorry but for some reason I cannot get your 'version' of marestare on my computer - other 'versions' are fine, it's most frustrating!)

Hope you are feeling a bit better Kay. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and Tease and saying prayers for an easy and successful foaling.

Of course as soon as I wrote that she was restless she turned to statue
She does look a little more dropped so she must be getting closer and she is looking very uncomfortable poor baby
I cannot express how much everyones help has meant to me this week. You all are the best! I am still not 100 percent. I had a few good hours yesterday and then its like it comes back with full force again.

I really have to wonder if her date is wrong. I know we had Patches go 350 this year but I have never had a mare go over that. I know its possible but I am leaning to the date being wrong. I was so careful writing them down last year but thinking I must have missed a breeding. But if I skip to her next cycle she would be due again the 25th of this month.

So sorry for the extended watch. She is just so huge for a maiden mare so I thought the date had to be correct.

I will get new pictures today outside where its easier to get a side shot. She does now have that crease going down the belly so I think we have to be getting close. I know she is just miserable and especially now that its hot again. Her back legs are getting really wobbly.
Bless her, she does look fed up but baby will come when he/she is cooked. At least we know her routine now so it should be easier to tell when she is ready. This morning she got me all excited but I should know better by now, she always get strange between 2.00-3.00am
So glad you have been feeling a bit better on occasion Kay, but please take it easy and only do what you really have to and rest as much as possible - this bug is nasty and does not give up easily.

I was also wondering about Tease's exact dates - yes she looks huge, but she still hadn't quite done that last minute 'drop'. I had a maiden mare do the same thing last year, and although we had covered her a couple of times in a second heat, I was so sure from the size of her that she must have taken to her first covering dates. But she sailed on and eventually foaled a gorgeous filly right on the dates to her second covering! A recent picture of Tease would be brilliant for those of us that can't get tuned in on marestare.

I'm sure she feels pretty fed up, bless her - give her a hug from us and tell her it wont be long now.

Did anyone see her kicking the stall just now? That was really odd.

I tried to do too much today and now im just done. Also I am home alone so she cannot foal yet lol. WE have a huge storm moving in right now so I am hoping the cam holds in
They love to foal in the middle of a big storm so maybe it will be tonight!! Oh, I just saw the spider, too!!
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Come on Tease - your Momma needs to be able to relax and get some proper rest!

Any updates from Tease's wonderful watchers?

Read today's posts and got all excited. Brought up the pictures and there she is standing in her usual spot playing statues.
C'mon tease, you gotta foal now. My mom just called me and woke me up at 3:45am because "shes acting funky, I think she is gonna foal" LOL
Its 4am Tease time and she is laid down and not looking too stressed. She is like a barrel now when she is laid down.
This mare is going to be the death of me LOL. Its like groundhog day every day.

We are in the middle of another huge storm so cam is going in and out. I really hope it doesnt go out as storms always make me nervous with pregnant mares.

I really dont think you can see how big she is until you see her lay down or roll. When Fran came last week she was just stunned. Rusty says that better be a lot of water in there.

We had a hip lock this year and Patches foal was huge and not easy to get out; so we are really hoping this last one would be easy.
Did not get to do my shorter watch last night due to that storm coming through here too. Our internet went down; but they have it up today. We got lucky and had only 50 mile winds, dime hail and torrents of rain (flooded pastures-now soggy). You keep mentioning 'groundhog day' Kay; is that what you are going to end up naming this foal!
LOL! It's going to have to be a real interesting name on this one. (Last night I thought if you were getting this bad bad weather and she went you would have to go with 'Stormchaser'). Well, maybe if things went the human wishes way; she'd relax today and pop it out in broad daylight! Hang in and take good care of yourself Kay!

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