I read about it, researched, etc........because a hay man was growing it across the street from me and I try to get some local hay. In my part of the country we are subject to sporadic showers (heat & only 50 miles from ocean) and fairly high humidity quite often. So you have to use a hay that cures quickly. Bermuda does well here both as pasture and hay (if you raise right type) .
From what I read, can be good hay. Teff does not winter over, so it's planted each year -- but, it also have very fine leaf. Now bermuda has fine leaf but much more of it! The observation I made was that when cutting just prior to seed out, the spires that carry the seed is also quite fine. This makes it a fairly good thing for the small mouths of minis -- finer roughage. However, I like the nice green color of dry orchard (LOVE the western & Canadian hays!!!) Local bermuda can keep decent color if raised/cut/cured right.
Horses seemed to like the taste but, I did not like the brown.
So, when he did the 2nd cut, I checked and it wasn't really better in leaf, so I chose not to get any.
We have gotten timely and adequate rains here and my pastures are beyond what my animals can consume........not always so lucky........but, not enough to have any hayed. So, I cut them
and graze them. Not complaining. (15 acres & 37 minis)
Ahhhh...winter will arrive and I'm saving for hay right now! Good grass & less grain helps with the hay $$