I have heard this is a great place to get info and I can't find any info on this topic that I can understand, since I dont know vet lingo so I am hoping someone here can enlighten me.
A senoir stallion on 25 years has had a steady decline in the size of his testicles over the past year, upon my last visit to see this old boy they were gone-not gelded gone- just gone away!!!
No signs of outside sores or bumps , just like they left the building!?!?
I know he had them at one time, I saw them myself. It is so hot I dont see how he can be carring them close the body like they sometimes do in winter.
Could this be sometype of testicular cancer, does anyone here know anything about shrinking and/or disapearing testicales.
A senoir stallion on 25 years has had a steady decline in the size of his testicles over the past year, upon my last visit to see this old boy they were gone-not gelded gone- just gone away!!!
No signs of outside sores or bumps , just like they left the building!?!?
I know he had them at one time, I saw them myself. It is so hot I dont see how he can be carring them close the body like they sometimes do in winter.
Could this be sometype of testicular cancer, does anyone here know anything about shrinking and/or disapearing testicales.