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My heart goes out to you Lisa! You have really had some hard losses and hard choices to make also. I'm so glad you stayed home and save Naomi! I know putting your dog down was a hard choice but I would have done the same thing. I pray that the rest of your year is uneventful!
Lisa, I'm so sorry for everything that has happened to you..
To have so many losses. At least you were there and saved your mare. I know that this is a very trying time, and it will take a long time heal, but just remember you do have a lot of us praying for you
: You will be in my thoughts and prayers...
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Special hugs and prayers for you Lisa!!

You have been through so much and have had to make some difficult decisions but you know that you did the right thing.

I'm so glad that little Naomi is doing so good.

Love you LOTS!!!!
I'm so sorry for your loss. What is it with theses dogs now a days? Especially ones that have been around

horses all their lives? My mother's boxer is becoming aggressive towards other dogs that pass her by, never used to be. She loved all the dogs in their neighborhood. I have 2 dogs and my brothers dog. His dog can't go near the horses because he will attack them, my little skipperkee/sheltie mix stays right with me and won't do anything except sniff them. My other dog tries to play with them while she's on her leash. We can't let her loose because she likes to run away. I'm sorry for your losses.
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Thank you again for your support. It really helps. I miss my dog, but am relieved to know that now my horses are safe (at least I pray they are) I am getting 2 more guard llamas as there are sometimes stray dogs in this area. My little horses are my family and I NEVER want something like this to happen again.
I'm so sorry. I'm just learning of your sad losses just now. I'm so sorry, holding in hugs and prayers for you and your family.
:no: I am so sorry for you loss of Hershey,and the attack on your other baby...I can't imagine how it feels to know it's your own pet that has done something like that...I have 2 large dog that I raised with my horses since they were 2 weeks old...they are the protectors of my horses..we have so many coyotes here that they stay up all nite guarding everything cats and all ,{if a cat ventures off away from the house at nite he's a gonner}......I just can't imagine the pain you feel ..{{{{Hugs}}}} to you and your family....our neighbor about 1 mile away has about 10 dogs they are the ones I worry about....again I'm so sorry....

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