The Census

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Why does the government care if I have an indoor toilet anyway.
Maybe Uncle Sam plans to take a toilet or two from someone who has five toilets to give them to someone who has no toilets? Potty redistribution...

OH! Thank you for that good laugh......
That was excellent!
OK, after reading some of the replies here I was worried so I did my homework and made some phone calls. The Census is done by phone also, each month 250,000 calls are made. I was one of those "lucky" ones
It is the same as the green and black multiple page survey that some of you might have gotten. They have a website that is pretty informative if anyone is interested in looking.

US Census Bureau
I think it was back in the '70's a census taker came to the door.
It has been all over the news that if you DON'T fill out the census they WILL pay a visit.

The reason for the phone # is if they do not understand a question and can ask you what it means, No Conspiracy, no "Tin Foil Hat stuff going on here.
They ask race and ethinicity to help with college funds, health and dental care, and the shift of the population. This coincides with the health care initiatives and multiple other things going on on the National level. I was paid a visit by the Census Bureau in November of last year. It even got down to "Are you Unemployed?" "WHat is your annual salary?" (My answer to that was, you can go look it up - I paid taxes last year). So some of the information they are gathering they either already have, or is none of their business. BUT - the census does help with distribution of services, etc.
Filing out the form was easy compared to the phone call I got from them ! I was asked questons that took 30 minutes to answer
The US census bureau called our home saying it was mandatory to answer their questions !! I was leary but my caller ID identified them as being the census bureau and they did not ask for any personal information. The questions were asked for each person in the household ( 4 ) and wanted info on ages, school degrees, college, health care insurance, disablities, job information and incomes, unemployment wages and a few other things. Anyone else get one of these "delightful" calls from them ??
I filled out the form sent it in right away (only 10 simple questions, nothing personal other than how many live here, etc.)

I never got a call, but had they called I would have said I already mailed it and hung up. Even if they said it was manditory.
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They ask race and ethinicity to help with college funds, health and dental care, and the shift of the population. This coincides with the health care initiatives and multiple other things going on on the National level.

So only certain Americans are entitled to "Things going on on the National level?". I thought this was America and income, or lack there of was the only thing that determined who got help. I guess if the kids want to go to College, we better fit into the right ethnic group.
They ask race and ethinicity to help with college funds, health and dental care, and the shift of the population. This coincides with the health care initiatives and multiple other things going on on the National level.
So only certain Americans are entitled to "Things going on on the National level?". I thought this was America and income, or lack there of was the only thing that determined who got help. I guess if the kids want to go to College, we better fit into the right ethnic group.
I understand that how consider certain census questions to be an invasion of privacy, but here's what I don't understand:

* Nobody sees anything strange about the Twitter craze of telling people what you are doing, where and when,

* People are lining up to put their private info, pictures, and even shameful acts up on Facebook and the like, and

* Most everyone is willing to be hooked to a permanent umbilical cord via cell phones and think you're living in the dark ages if you don't constantly carry one.

I know I'm strange, and I'm NOT criticizing those who make use of these, but each strikes me as a greater invasion of privacy than the census.


who loves her life as a recluse out on her mountain

PS: Good one, Jill !! Our county would come after you to confiscate the outhouse, as they are not allowed...
I think some people feel differently when they are told to provide information, vs. when they decide to do so... plus some people are concerned about how the information might be used

For me, I didn't have a problem with any of the questions. If I did, I'd have just answered the number of people in the house (two, not a secret)

What I was not happy to think about was a temporary government worker coming to my house, or to my neighbor's houses (yes, they will!) to get the information if I didn't provide it. I had concerns about a person (with no background check) coming into my private space, etc. I mean, there are only so many ways to casually work into a conversation a license to carry...
So, I got that census form out in the mail quickly

I sure hope we keep our current number of bathroom chairs!
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Well those that have filled it out incompletely, do you have a SS Number? There is more info contained in THAT number, then the census office ever thought of asking.

So whats the big deal here? The Government already knows more about you then you think and it has been that way for many many many years.

Do you have a State Drivers License? Then even your State knows more about you then the census will.
Well those that have filled it out incompletely, do you have a SS Number? There is more info contained in THAT number, then the census office ever thought of asking.So whats the big deal here? The Government already knows more about you then you think and it has been that way for many many many years.

Do you have a State Drivers License? Then even your State knows more about you then the census will.
That is the very reason that I found it unnecessary to write anything down other than numbers in our household. (Phone or names.) They already know it all.
Oh my goodness. One side of the Government knows so you think that is enough? They do not transfer the info back and forth between the different departments.

There is such a thing as making things easier, which then translate into less Tax Payers Money being spent.
Just what I was going to say! I figure it is much cheaper to the taxpayers if we all answer our census questions, instead of expecting someone in the government to have to pull up records from other places to get the info they want.

This isn't a census year for us. Last time we did have to fill out the forms I was lucky & got the short form, so it took me no time at all to fill out. Was nice to not get the long one--I don't mind answering the questions, but it can take awhile. If you're a farmer & get one of the long farm forms it's even worse. When I initially received my form that time it was the French form--and I do not read French fluently enough to be able to answer a French language census form! I called the contact person on the form & told her, and she thanked me for being so nice about it. She'd had the same thing happen with some other people and they were really rude about it. That's really too bad, because it wasn't her fault at all.

I'd really hate to have to go door to door asking census questions--just too many rude people in this world it seems. It must be a pretty thankless job.
It was barcoded. There was NO requirement for filling out anything but the household numbers. That is the ONLY point of a census. If they want to know where that form was coming from they scan the barcode.
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I can understand the race questions a little. I know in trying to look up ancestors we have used old census information and it has been a huge help. Maybe years down the road this information can help our childrens children and answer some of their questions. ?? Just a thought.
This is what I was thinking. I have located a large amount of my ancestors because of the census. I have copies of the original census sheets showing where they were living and who was living in the household. Ages of those at the time living in the household an what kind of work they were performing at the time. It also showed where their ancestors came from and I found that to be quite interesting. Now I keep our genealogy book up to date but that doesn't mean someone in the youngest generation will and maybe someday this research will be available going forward.

As far as the census by telephone. No way I don't give our any info to anyone over the phone. I didn't receive the census by mail but I wish them luck getting thru the gate and the large dogs to the front door of my home.

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