The Chronicles of Narnia:

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Thank you runamuk.
I do feel the same.
Alice in Wonderland, all those childrens books and fables. Same as movies even. I remember many movies that I saw as a child, and some I see now as an adult, and see a whole different perspective. Mainly because of a lifetime of influential events that any adult carries "with them" when viewing anything within any particular "perspective.

That, to me though, is what is SO SPECIAL about viewing things from a child's perspective. You don't have all that lifetime of influential "stuff", good or bad, getting in the way of "seeing", or "receiving of messages", if you will.

You know? In a sense, everything IS "veiled" I guess, when I really think about it, LOL.

At the same time though, it is those veils that brings us together in the form of discovery of them too. It almost boggles the mind to fully comprehend....if trying to comprehend as an adult, LOL.

I guess that's why it's sometimes JUST PLAIN FUN to view things through the heart of a child, our inner child, we all have one, thankfully.

That's what I think I'm gonna try to "connect" with when I go see this one. Same as I did for Dreamer...and...and...

Of course...if questions are posed, as with most anything a child comes across...I have my "Father" to inquire upon. But, that's where "I" choose to go, and that's ok, right?

Same as whoever else might go, or not, to wherever they seek answers for anything. To each his own.

unless questions posed, rise from a house that farts...then I come here to the LB Forum!

runamuk said:
Ok I was not directing anything at anyone ...however my brain is fully fogged and I am only about 1/2 co point was I liked the books they were really fun to read as a was Alice in Wonderland and ya know I didn't catch all the drug related mytho's of that one either......of course I was 8 or 9 so I was reading the books for fun not for some greater for christianity I am all for it each his own..bhuddist  great...hindu....jewish....satan worshipppers.....really do not care one way or the other......for me it is about the person.......a good person is a good person and good deeds will always be good deeds...regardless of what god a person does or doesn't pray too..........
spotted pony girl said:
I belive that you bringing up this movie was a great idea, as it's a Really great book and looks to be even a better film.
  Just because all us bossy mares have differnt opnions about it, (much of it being stirred up from the media and not original thought 
) Does Not mean it wasen't a good idea! It was and is a good idea, and I think you will see more good here then bad about the movie, the book was a real crowd pleaser. Please don't feel hurt and offended, we were all just sharing our thought and opnions!


Gosh, now I just wanna HUG somebody.
Thank you for saying that. That was all that was even intended. Just a good movie to go watch and ENJOY, nothing more or even less. Thank you, and BIGHUGS for it!
I am eagerly awaiting this movie. I love the books. They are full of rich imagery, wonderful plots, and engaging characters. I myself find the Christian themes very good. I love in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe the way that Aslan dies for Edmund and then comes alive again; it is such a good representation of what Christ has done for each one of us. They are wonderful books and I hope this movie does it justice.
I've read the entire series of Narnia books several times as both a kid and an adult. I just love the books, much like the Little House series.

I think The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a truly magical story. Yes, it does have a christian undertone per say, but if you love magical fantasy stories, you'd love this series of books. I never caught on to the Christian bit until I was an adult. As a kid...just pure fantasy.

I think about 15-20 years ago our public tv stations had done a version of LW&W but it was really pretty lame. I couldn't get into it at all. It didn't do the book justice.

I am so very excited to see this new version, but will wait for it to come out on video. Looks like they caught the magic this time around!

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