The dog whisperer

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Southern, NJ
Has anyone watched the National Geographic channel, Ceasar Millan, the Dog Whisperer? I've caught a few of his programs and they're pretty darn interesting. He seems to work wonders for owners of dogs that have issues. He's in CA, around Ventura I believe. Wonder if anyone knows of him or heard anything about him? I've enjoyed his shows.
I've watched the program several times on NG. It's always a good half-hour show. Some of what he says is just common sense, but so often with our animals common sense goes out the window.

I can't believe the "pack" of dogs he keeps at home, they are all so well behaved. He has definitely worked wonders with the "problem" dogs profiled on the show.
I've seen it- I really like him, but I hope he is given more time to work with the owners than is shown on the show. Have you seen the shows where he shows you his own dogs???

This is a man who truly understands and loves dogs.
He sure seems like a great guy and I Love the fact he doesnt take on a "bad" breed attitude would love to have him come here and work with my chi's
One of my neighbors just contacted him for a biting problem he has with his dog! He's going to meet with him after the holidays for a consultation - sounds like a great trainer!

Liz R.
I've always liked his show and his methodology. Even my son who is so very not into dogs thinks the guy is amazing.
I've seen all the shows (recorded them for a while until I'd seen them all) and seen him on many different shows as a guest. He's got some very good common sense ideas. I've used some of them on my dogs and they really work.

Liz, be sure to let us know how it works out for your friends' dog!!!
Oh now you see that is sooo cool! I'd love to be able to live close by to attend his seminars. I'd be there with bells on!
Yea Liz, let us know how your neighbor makes out with him. I found out he has a book coming out in April 2006 called "Cesar's Way". I plan to get it.
I've seen him and I LOVE his band of "pirates"
he isn't what I would call a dog trainer at all....he knows dogs he knows how they work and he "trains people" to learn how to live with their dogs
....the few shows I have seen I was shocked at how downright rude some of the dogs were with their was so obvious the dogs were in charge....and I love how the people think what he asks them to do is "mean" people it is the way dogs work
WOW.....Never heard of this gentleman!

Can someone tell me which "channel" he's on so I can watch it?! We have a new puppy (Blue Heeler) that's smart as a whip....needs to be challenged. I'd sure like to bring out the best in this little fella and would love to learn!

Great post.....thanks a million!


Cindy, it's on the National Geographic channel...he's pretty awesome. You can tell that he is not putting on a show for the cameras, seems really down to earth and connects with dogs. I was amazed one episode we watched, he was rehabilitating a man and his daughter's Pitbull they had kept in their backyard for 6 yrs. She was not human agressive but dog agressive. He took her to his place for 43 days to rehab her and get her socialized. At one point they showed when the owners came to visit her, and she got tangled with what looked like a Springer SPaniel. You could see the prelude up to the part when the dogs locked because all of a sudden Cesar's face changed and he took the leash from the girl's hand and just as he did it the dogs went at it.

But what I like about this show, is that they show the good with the bad, they tell even if he has to go back and do it again to get something done. They don't sugar coat it. I find in some Horse Whisperer books and videos, they always make it look easy...with the horse doing exactly what the whisperer asks it to do. In the real world you figure the horse will and can blow you are left with the "how do you fix that" question. This show will show you what he does and how he helps to fix the problem.

Here's his web site.....go to the "about us page" and you'll see a snippet of him running with his dogs.
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Ohhhh, thank you Sterling!

I'll check out the website and see when his next program will air! It'll be great family viewing, as little Churchill's development is a project for all three of us!

This is exciting!.....thanks again!


I've watched this buy plenty of times and i dont see anything special. All i see is a dog trainer who trains dogs ..he doesnt do much. Put anyone in training to be a dog training for a long time and you got yourself a 'dog whisper'. I do admit, some people are just naturally talented ....but i think this guy is a fluke.

Half the time all he does is teach the dog not to do something and i just dont beleive most of the 'dog whispering' stuff.

Oh you're welcome Cindy....just so you'll know, I checked out the National Geo. channel and it comes on Mondays and Tuesday mornings 10:00 - 11:00. I don't know if you get On Demand cable in your area, but you can watch some of his episodes there as well.

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