The good news is the mare is okay.

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I am so sorry Judy! Very glad that Pewter is okay. Why is it we always seem to lose the ones we look forward to most? I hope the rest of the babes come out okay for you.
I am so sorry for the loss of your foal! It is always so hard to lose these precious babies.

Thankfully your little mare will be okay!

Thank you, all of you, for your kindness and support. I appreciate it so much.

Pewter was doing great this afternoon and evening. She's bright eyed, sharp, and alert just like always. She's not missing her foal at all, so I kind of wonder if she even "knows" what happened. It would just shred my heart to bits to hear her crying for her baby. I'll wait and see what tomorrow brings after the banamine has worn off, but I really think she'll be alright. When she's on her foal heat, I'll have the vet out to flush her, but I can't even think about rebreeding her yet. This foal was probably our most anticipated one ever, and was exactly what my husband Sid had "ordered". Even so, I am eternally grateful that Pewter is alright.

To all of you who have lost foals, my sincere sympathy. Let's hope that everyone's foals are born perfect and healthy from here on out.
Heartfelt condolences... But we are so glad your momma is doing well!!
Judy, I am so sorry to hear about Pewter and her foal. Will keep you in my thoughts.

I got your email and was just sick over this. As mentioned, this foal was the one we were all fighting over! Poor you and poor Pewter. My most sincere condolences to you and Sid and Pewter and give them all a hugs and yourself.

I truly hope the rest are heart just breaks over this.....

Kim and Mirage
I am so sorry to hear about your baby, but am so glad that the mare is doing fine, prayers going out to you.

Sue S
So sorry. I'm glad the mare will be ok and go on to more foals for you but it hurts to lose a foal, I know.


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