I agree with taking your time. I would get so excited to get out and drive that I would rush through tacking and putting to. Well I found that this not only had me occasionally missing things but also making my green mare feel hurried and stressed too. When you slow down and breathe and really stay in the moment good things happen. I also found that dropping any agenda I might have had about accomplishing some goal helps. If I go out with an attitude of letting the horse dictate to some degree what we do on any given day, then I don't end up frustrated or fighting with them. Sometimes they or I might just be having a crappy day, and if that's the case then repeating some exercise we know and do well is far better than challenging either of us with some new task.
One big lesson for me as well was to buy GOOD equipment, particularly harness. I still haven't gotten a really good cart, but I have a sulky that is light, balanced and comfortable, the three most important things to the horse. I bought a harness from a friend that worked for training purposes, but ordered my Comfy Fit harness and have not looked back. I will be getting a second for my other mare.....well worth the money, and can be modified to be a pairs harness eventually, saving the cost of another set of harness if/when my mares drive together.
I went through a period of time where I was reading things on here and on other sites that had me begin to feel fearful that driving was dangerous, and I found myself a little tentative to drive, especially on the roads, which I have to use somewhat to get to my trail system. It took me a while to balance smart safety with these feelings of vulnerability, even though I have driven and ridden full size horses extensively. I guess being a full fledged adult now makes me think about worse case scenarios. Safety is paramount, but it shouldn't completely overwhelm you to the point of ruining your driving experience. Everything in life carries some risk, especially when it comes to horses, but the fun of driving is worth it!! Welcome to the driving forum!!