The Run For R Roses

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2004
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Again, this year there will be an honoring of the owners and a presentation of R National Grand Champion horses in Tulsa. I got the go ahead, as long as it does not cost the membership any money. The schedule is a bit different this year. I think it will fall on Friday instead of Thursday. We hope that you will be on hand either in the stands or on the computer or better yet in the arena with your National Grand Champion.

Now I know that a few Roses can't compete with leather Jackets, but that old South Dakota Jim was on the ball. However, I do have a plan of how to come up with the money for the Roses. I am going to have a Lemonade Stand. I figure if I sell 6000 cups of Lemonade at a nickel apiece I can swing it. I wonder if there are rules about selling Lemonade at the Tulsa facilities.

If anyone else has a better idea lets hear it. I do have a back up plan if the lemonade thing doesn't sound too good to you.
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Since they have a consessions on the ground I bet you can't sell lemonaide. But good thought.
I kind of think you are right. How about taking bets on who is going to win B Liberty, which follows the Presentation? I see that they came through with their promise to rotate the A's and B"s. Last year it was A's. This year it is B's. I suppose gambling would be out too.
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You can raise money "when pigs fly"!

No, I mean literally when "pigs fly". At the local circuit, there is a fund raiser called "when pigs fly". They sell small rubber pigs for a $5.00 donation. There is a number on each pig and you get assigned that number.

At one point in the show everyone comes to the rail and there is a hula hoop that is placed in the arena. Then the announcer counts to three and then the pigs fly.

Now if anyone's pig lands in the hula hoop, they win 1/2 the money. If several pigs land in they split 1/2 the pot.

It is a great fund raiser and a lot of fun. So "when pigs fly" can really pay off. More fun than lemonade.
Get people to donate the lemonade, I would do a container of Country Time, and have a donation box. No, everyone might not donate but many more would put in a dollar instead of a nickel and you wouldn't be selling it, shouldn't be a problem.
I LOVE the pigs fly idea how creative and very cute
I like the pig idea a lot better than a lemonade stand.
I like the pig idea a lot better than a lemonade stand.
I am just being silly about earning the money. A few flowers don't even cost as much as a sponsorship for a table. But, I am worried about something. I would really like to see this continue, and I think most think it is a good way to honor those chosen few and their owners. But I don't feel that this sponsorship should be in any one persons or ranches name. There lies the problem we can't ask the Registry to do it as they can't single out one award over another and frankly at this time I think we should be watching what we spend. So what happens if I don't go to Nationals, (heaven forbid) Who will do it? I will continue to come up with the money for the Roses for a few years but who will go get them and talk to the photographers and the announcer and make sure it goes off well. I hope someone else with some organizational skills will step in.

It will be a sad day when you don't go to Nationals - you are truly what AMHR is all about - and your love for the AMHR horses is written all over you. You continue to bring forth outstanding ideas to honor the horses that are so special - do it free of charge and invest a lot of heart and soul into your suggestions - and then follow thru with whatever you have decided upon. I think the Run for R Roses is a fantastic idea and one that should definately continue - and hopefully be expanded upon to other areas of AMHR. Even tho I won't be going to the National show this year (major bummer for me) - I would still like to be able to buy a pig or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 . . . and have someone launch them into the arena for me -- what a fun idea - I just love it --- sooo, you just let me know what idea you finally come up with to help raise funds for this special presentation and let me know so that I can help out

(((( Hugs ))))

At the local circuit, there is a fund raiser called "when pigs fly". They sell small rubber pigs for a $5.00 donation. There is a number on each pig and you get assigned that number.

At one point in the show everyone comes to the rail and there is a hula hoop that is placed in the arena. Then the announcer counts to three and then the pigs fly.

Now if anyone's pig lands in the hula hoop, they win 1/2 the money. If several pigs land in they split 1/2 the pot.
What I great idea. I live near and work in Cincinnati. Cincinnati's symbol is the flying pig, so that would be a great fund raiser around here.
Bet you guys thought I was in trouble with Mary Lou. Not so, I have credit. Whew!!!! Thanks for nice things said Stacy and oh, I do love R out fit and those R horses. Sorry you can't make it to Nationals this year.

I am going to ramble a bit here. Here are some of my thoughts about this Presentation.

R Nationals is a show and we are in show business, so with the coming of the new video guy we have to provide something cool to watch. I would think that most people would be likely to tune in on the night when the Grand Champion Stallions are chosen. Especially if all the other Grands are brought in too.

Okay we have pulled it off for the past two years and everyone said that it looked good. But it was done by the seat of our pants with no organization. Think how cool it could be if someone with some clout would direct things.

If there was just someone that could tell Mark what to say and tell the handlers where to stand the horses. We need a choreographer.

Not starting any fights here or going the AMHR against the AMHA, but last year the R show came off looking mighty fine as the AMHA coverage was so crumby and the announcer wasn't Mark. So what did they do, the got on the stick and hired Mark. Then that old Jim comes up with 250,000 bucks for the World and we're trying to fly pigs-Oh Boy- I do love the pig idea though.
I forgot something. About two months ago I called both Leonard and Larry to remind them that they had promised that the A and B liberty class would rotate the night that the Grand Stallions were crowned. Anyway they remembered. As I was visiting with Larry I mentioned that I thought that we should sell the cover of our premium book. I thought it would bring pretty good money. Boy, would I love to have old Express on that. But Larry said that if we were ever to do that it would have to be announced for all to be aware of, so it was fair to all, perhaps and auction or a drawing.

His suggestion for the premium book cover would be a picture taken together of all 6 Grand from previous year and the back be the Stakes winners from previous year. I thought that was a pretty neat idea.
If there is a decision to "let pigs fly", let me know and I will see what can be done.

Soo wee! Here piggy, piggy, piggy!

I love AMHR. I love Nationals. And I love that I can watch it from home the years I can't be there! I am so glad that we will be doing the Run For R Roses again, and I fully plan to be GLUED to my computer for the week.
Even up-grading my internet for the month!

I wish I was going to be there this year, but I'm fine with going next year to see the Run For R Roses live again. It is amazing to see the best horses in the breed. I could only ever dream of owning a National GRAND Champion, so it is wonderful that their owners really do get their chance to shine.

Thank you AMHR!

Now all we need is a Stallion Avenue...
Hi everyone. First I want to say thanks Renee for taking the bull by the horns and thinking up and putting into action the "Run for the Roses" It is awesome to stand up on the concourse and see those horses. Makes me proud to be part of AMHR. Here's my thoughts and please correct me if I'm wrong but is the issue here fund raising? I think the pig idea is great and I LOVE lemonade but are we comparing the way AMHR honour the years chosen "BEST OF OUR BREED" to AMHA's $250,000. cash splash? Don't we have a promotions person that could be doing the leg work on this event? Hey, do you think if we sell LOTS of pigs we can have a spot light?
I think you hit the nail on the head MAB. In my opinion there is no better Marketing and Promotion venue for R horses than the coverage of the National Show. So why is our Marketing Director not on top of this or even called to ask about it. I have tried to email her. She's a spiffy looker and would make a much better appearance than me up there. Besides it is her job. We already pay to fly her in. I think. Let her go hunting for the nicest Roses, Let her come up with the music. Let her decide what to say about our horses. Let her tell the photographers what pictures to take. Let her tell the trainers where to stand. Let her get the photos of the winners for whatever use we need them for. It is her job. It is the kind of thing that I think we pay her for.

I guess what I am saying is that even though we have not been on the ball like Jim(congrats Jim, guess it took an old Dakota Farm Boy to get something done) and we don't have that kind of money to spend, we don't need it to look classy if we have some organization.

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