I'm glad you understand my 'sleep' outburst then Weebiscuit.
Yes, I do understand it. I could sense a great deal of frustration there. And I felt that maybe you were begrudging me just a bit because you thought I had it easy and didn't fully understand that you were going through some very trying and anxious times over your school finances. I just wanted you to know that your time, too, will come! I know it will, because you are choosing a good career, and I know you are the kind of person who will draw people to your clinic, so it will be a success. Behind every success story, however, are years of fears, tears, frustrations and doubts. In the end, though, it makes that success so sweet!
I don't consider myself and husband to be wealthy at all! but we are finally at a point in our lives where the mortgage is paid, we have no outstanding loans, we pay our credit card balance in full every month, have no car payments, and I don't have to stretch a stinkin' pound of burger into six hamburgers! It's just the two of us, so we can each eat a half pound if we want!
My mother has also never asked for help and while she is doing okay now, back before she went to college was when it was the worst. You and my mother worked extremely hard for what you've got, but that's not just intelligence that gets you there, it's will power, strength...and maybe add a little touch of stubborn in there
Many people don't have that. After seeing her go through everything I can understand someone needing a little bit of help. As long as it IS a little bit and only until they are back on their feet. I know there are people who take advantage, but there are also some people who just need that little bit.
When I said we never took welfare I wasn't *quite* honest. We took it for one day! Our two oldest kids were in grade school. My oldest son was very smart. He had an exceptionally high IQ, and because of that he really perceived things and internalized them where other kids would just blow them off an inconsequential. Well, our low income quallified out kids for free school lunches. Back in those days, those "free lunch" kids got a different colored lunch ticket than other kids did. Everyone knew they were "free lunchers." My husband and I decided that it would be a "good thing" for the kids to get a free school lunch as it would free up more of our scanty income for other dire necessities.
So, the very first day they go on the program, my son (I think he was in 4th grade), got his lunch tray and the Principal walked by his table, stopped at my son's side and said, "Why aren't you eating those peas?"
My son said, "Because I don't like peas."
The Principal said, "Beggars can't be choosers."
Of course my son was absolutely mortified and humiliated, and when he came home and told us this story I packed his and his brother's lunches the next day and we never took another free school lunch or anything else. I also called the administration at the school, and believe me, the Principal was disciplined for that statement, and starting the very next week (as told to me by a teacher friend in the school district), all free lunch tickets became the exact same color as the paid for tickets in the entire district, and all the accounting was handled in the office and a rule was passed that NO teacher or other administrator or aide were allowed to know which kids received school lunches. So at least something good came out of that.
As you could tell, working out my college finances frustrates me to no end. Thank goodness there are advisors at the school to help me figure it all out. I am actually proud of myself for keeping my debt fairly low (I am not very good at financial planning). Grad school debt is what will pile up, but I don't mind if it gets me where I want to go. Anyway, it sounds as though you are a great mother. I hope your children are proud and appreciate you.
I hope that perhaps you can find a job in a vet clinic and still go to grad school at the same time, and the job will help finance school. On the other hand, I know that grad school will be difficult and perhaps a job will be out of the question. I sincerely hope you reach your goals. Just don't ever give up because things may seem bleak at times. Always remember that each hurdle jumped is one step closer to your goal. And I know you will achieve it!