The Walking Dead -- Season Three Series Premiere

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
Did you folks watch it??? What did you think?

I swear, I don't think it gets much better when it comes to fictional TV programming!!! Each episidode, for three seasons now, I always wish it would go on for another hour or two. It's way too good!

I watched it! And felt just like you did! At the end, I was saying 'thats it?'

The first season, we DVRed all the episodes, then sat down one day and watched them all at one time. It was awesome! (until we got to the end, lol) But there's no way we've been able to do that since.

I just have to say...what on earth was Hershal doing going with them instead of staying with the pregnant lady?
I'm going to start watching this series...have got to get caught up on the first two seasons though. Someone told me they are on netflix, so hoping to get caught up the next couple weeks...I will dvr the new ones until then.
We watch it...even tho I have to look away when they start the goriness. And I still think killing Shane off was a big mistake. I liked his character ...made the show more exciting. I also wished they had stayed at the farm. I like it when they are out in the "wilderness".
Cheyenne, I liked his character, too. I don't want to give things away for those who are going to catch up, but even though I haven't "liked" some of the storyline (okay, yes... so what if I want a happily ever after in a zombie story LOL!), I do like that you really don't know what to expect each episode! Not that they do things that are out of reasonable for the scenario, but that the series is not predictable

I'm not cool enough to know for sure, but apparently this show is based on a comic book, but it's not following the storyline to the T of the comic books based on what they said this week on The Talking Dead. I'm wondering if I need to buy us some comic books to have a little bit more of this series in our lives. H and I are both sooooooooooooo hooked!
This show is sooo straying from what happened in the comic books. People who should be alive, aren't, and vice versa. Some of the storyline is the same, like the places they end up at, but as far as characters go, they're all expendable in the show. :/
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!! L-O-V-E IT!!!!!!!!

Zombies have always been my "thang" since I was a young kid watching Night of the living Dead!
Night of the living dead....oh I love that, primarily because it was filmed about 15 miles from my house I grew up in. A story I want to share:

My father was friends with the man who wrote/produced it. Romero asked my father to do much of the special effects in the film (my Dad is a ballistics and weapons expert) Father declined as he would of had to take off work for a couple months with no gaurantee of pay from the film (they were going to give him royalties), with 2 young kids and me on the way he couldn't afford to take the chance. If he'd only of known then the success it would the time he thought the movie would fail tremendously being a very low budget film. He did assist alittle on the weekends just for fun a few times...and he was actually in the film as an extra's been so long now he couldn't tell you which one he was....we watched it a few years ago with him and he couldn't remember. Guess all zombies look alike to
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Love this show! The head count on the season opener had to be an all time high. So much blood and gore I had to laugh! Did you see the little spoiler clip that showed Merle isnt dead, just minus a hand. Cant wait to see how that plays out. How about the zombie pack mules? Ha! Anyway I also like the series "heck on Wheels" & " Falling Skies"

Meant to say heck on Wheels darn sticky keyboard
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I love Falling Skies too! I wanted to watch the new show on NBC, Revolution or something like that, but shows on those channels scare me because they have a habit of not getting picked back up. Something about dooms-day type shows really call to me. Lol

Sonya, thats an awesome story!
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Hubby loves it; me, not so much. Hubby also like "Shawn of the Dead", that one I can watch.
Oh, you guys are KILLING me, because I have DISH and they and AMC have STUBBORNLY refused to settle their differences! I have been threatening to switch to DIRECT TV, and guess I'm going to HAVE to. I tend to be loyal as a customer, have been w/ DISH for nearly 15 years, but I am FED UP. I LOVE 'The Walking Dead', and HATE that it has started up again, and I'm missing it!! Can't watch it online, have dial-up. Am trying to get my act together to maybe give in to the endless promotions and 'bundle' w/ my local phone co...Century Link, formerly Qwest, and get both DIRECT TV and high-speed internet...prob. NOT cell phone service, as neither need nor really want a 'smart' kind of cell phone, and may consider more 'basic' options there.

I could buy the dvds, and may consider that, too...but really feel I'd be just as well off to switch on the satellite service. My roof was damaged in a big hail/wind storm in Aug, and will be replaced; might be a great time to 'change out' the dish that sits on it, too!

I know what you mean Margo. As a Directv customer, we had 20-some Viacom channels turned off in July (including MTV and Nickolodian). I am a huge fan of the MTV show Teen Wolf, and the channels were turned off right in the middle of the season. I called to see when my contract was up because I was going to look into other options for my area. They assured me the issue was temporary, but the girl was so nice that she gave me all the movie channels free for three months and took $20 off my bill for six months. A week later, the channels were back. I don't know what I would have done if The Walking Dead was affected.
Margo, I keep seeing DISH commercials and it would be a better deal than our Directv, but I can't do it unless / until they work it out with AMC.
Just renewed my netflix account...starting the first season, 1st episode....will dvr this season till I get caught up.
I look forward to hearing what you think! And envy that you get to watch it back to back! We did most of Lost and a few other series that way, that way, and it is awesome not having to wait week to week or season to seasy
I watched 4 episides so far of season far I really like it. Do they ever tell you how the outbreak of zombies occurred? I was surprised at the gore and of course while watching it I was yelling at my computer..don't go in there...shoot I didn't like the horse scene at all!

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