The Winter Storm has arrived

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2004
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Central Missouri
It started raining around noon yesterday; 38 degrees. Woke up about 4 times during the night to hear the sleet hitting the windows. It was 31 when I got up but is steadily dropping and has turned to snow. Guess I'll find out how thick the ice is when I try to get to the barn. They're saying 3 to 6 inches for mid Mo before this ends. I'm definitely getting low on hay (at least the stuff they like) and there's none to be found around here. Much as I hate it - I guess when they get hungry enough they'll eat the other kind. Good luck everybody.......stay safe!
School is called off today, I am not sure how much snow we have with 30mph winds it is hard to tell anything, But we have at least 5ft drifts around and behind the truck.......hubby is heading out with the skid-loader to clean paths, but I am afraid it will just blow back in. I am guessing at least 5 inches........Heading out to check the animals.......brrrrrrr I think this is the worst snowstorm we have had this winter. :cold: :cold: :cold: :cold:
I started here in Ohio about 3 am. We are supposed to get 8" of snow. We are close to the line for ice. I'm hoping it stays south. Ice is the worst.
hitting hard here. i was just out in it and it seems to be a mix of ice and snow. the wind is whats so bad ughhh. im really hoping flirt doesnt foal but she had very loose manure this morning. I told her not yet not yet!
Hate to even think of 5' drifts. Fortunately what we had gotten earlier had almost completely melted.

Day before yesterday I almost posted saying there were signs of spring because some of my lillies were beginning to come up. Shoot.....I had even seen some robins a couple weeks ago. :eek: Just knew spring was right around the corner.

Edited to change iris to lillies. duhhhh been way to long since I've seen them blooming.
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No school here today either. Not a lot of snow, but the wind is drifting over the roads pretty good. Bundle up those of you who are buried and hang in until it thaws
We are in the midst of blizzard/white out conditions right now. We are fortunate tho....because they HAD forcast a mix of snow/ice & freezing rain. Right now, it appears that most of the freezing rain & ice will stay south of us, and we will be getting approx. a foot of snow. That bad part is......we have high winds with it (creating blizzard conditions) & the temps are going to take a nose dive Thursday, the high will only be 10 degrees & the low below zero. :eek: Work called me this morning to tell me to stay home. I wasn't going to venture out in this mess anyway! In fact, all the schools & most businesses are ALL closed today. All the minis are toasty warm, shut up in the barn with plenty of hay & heated buckets for the duration.

HEY, Punxsutawney Phil...what happened to our early SPRING????????
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I don't close mine up in their stalls but I did open the stall gates into the barn aisle because the snow is blowing into the stalls. It was really funny to watch those guys. They seem to think we have an indoor arena now. Running and chasing each other. And, oh my goodness the rolling going on! I think my mare must have rolled at least 8 times while I was standing there watching them. They seem to be loving the new territory this morning.
It just started here about a 1/2 hour ago. Very tiny snowflakes. If this storm is really what the weatherguys are saying, I am sure school will be closed tomorrow. It'll be a good day for cozying up by the woodstove.
I came in to work (about a 35 mile trip) which is by Port Columbus (Ohio), and the roads were snow covered and a bit nasty but not too bad at 6am. I decided to leave at 2:30 instead of 4:30 and am taking tomorrow off. Our gov. will never shut down! As a matter of fact, I have been designated an essential employee which means I am to work no matter what and have a special ID card that 'allows' me to drive in to work even if the counties are shut down. From what I hear the state highway patrol will honor that card, but not the county sheriffs, and they would be the ones out in my area. I told them I do nothing that is worth risking my life, and am NOT essential but the cheapie state is just looking for a way to force us to take leave if and when they do shut down and we don't come in. That way they don't have to pay us to stay home. Oh well, I will take leave and stay safe! Hmmmm, may have to go to the store on the way home and stock up on popcorn :lol: . Already have bread and milk
Well- we are waiting for it here- completely peaceful- but cold here at the moment- they are talking blizard conditions for this evening into tomarrow. :lol: :lol:

Is it still hitting Ohio?
Well with the blowing snow the Road Grater hasn't even been down our road yet today, and I have a transport coming to pick up a colt and take him to NY, :no: Hope they can get down the road, or else we will have to figure out something else......
Yep, now we are getting freezing rain. I just got home, and am glad. Staying home tomorrow too. We have snow up to our truck bumpers here.
freezing rain here in my part of ohio too. im so worried about hubby getting home. the highway from columbus is always a mess so it will probably take him hours to get home.
Is it still hitting Ohio?
YES, its getting worse right now actually.

School's closed here today and for tommarow as well i am guessing. The wind is blowing the opposite way it should be, it was terriable this morning and the storm didnt even actually start until 2:00 today.

Dad headed into town and we switched over to a level 3 while he was gone, over an hour and the store is only 5-8 minutes away. Like kay said, its not so much the snow its the drifts ...we have a 3ft drift infront of our back and front door. We didnt even both clean out the driveway ..pft, it would be pointless. I walked down to the barn to flip on the lights and before i headed back to the house my footprinks were gone.

Stay safe everyone!

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