This video was amazing

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Ontario Canada
Well my gelding better watch this..

change video from bing to youtube

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Couldn't see which video you meant on that Bing page but I tell you what

I won't be using Bing to check for videos.

I went from the link you sent and checked to see what videos would come up for Great Dane & it showed a person & a dog being inappropriate
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The video if you just wait should just come up do not have to look for it..

It has brown writing when it starts.

sorry about that.. not nice.

Ok try this one. comes up on both for me correct.

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I love the very end where Larry comes out of the ring with his mouth open for his treat- he KNOWS he did a GREAT job! That was beautiful to watch, the focus involved from horse and handler when the crowd erupts after the first jump of each combo is intense. Thanks for sharing!
These are very talented little horses. The only thing I do not like about this jumper class compared to AMHR is that most arenas are simply not worked for jumping horses as we are driving in there and jumping that high that many times in a packed ring can be pretty damaging.

That does not however take away from the talent these little horses have and their owners and handlers should be very proud!
Those are some pretty high jumps....I would be so proud if my horses could do that
haha but mine are pretty lazy! I agree with (Lisa) though...I would be worried about them jumping in a packed arena...Again beautiful horses and great job!
What's with all the walking? I've never seen a jumper class where people just mosied between the jumps like that!


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