I'm late on answering to this post, but before Miniature Horses I was actively involved with riding.
I started riding when I was four/almost five years old. Neither of my parents are "horsey", but I had a desire to be around horses ever since I figured out what they were. Finally when we moved to a more rural area I begged for riding lessons and a horse of my own. I began riding and quickly began showing in lead-line, equitation, walk, walk/trot, walk/trot/canter -- the simple English pleasure rail type classes. When I was older and got some more experienced I moved up to hunter and jumper.
The judges loved me and I was always in ribbons. I have very few ribbons that are not a champ., reserve, 1st or 2nd. I even had other trainers and riding instructors ask to sponsor me or ask me to transfer over to their team.
FINALLY, My parents felt at age 12 I was ready to have a horse of my very own. I had dreams of a tall, young, hot headed Thoroughbred, Warmblood or something else along those lines. To make a long story short I ended up with a 40+ year old, mixed breed, 13.2hh. pony that we ended up rescuing from slaughter. Samson definitely wasn't what I had dreamed of or expected as a first horse, but if you ask me I wouldn't have traded him for the highest value show horse out there. That little horse taught me so much more than I could have ever hoped for. Not only did I learn a lot about horse care, but he taught me a lot about myself as well. Sadly, he is no longer with us but his memories will be cherished forever.
When I got Samson I quit showing completely. I also stopped taking riding lessons and I wasn't on a horse for several months until I bought my Thoroughbred gelding, but I still never showed. I also bought a Paint filly as a weanling and started her under saddle myself.
Unfortunately, I don't own any large horses now. I do hope to in the near future. I would love to get back into showing (Miniature and/or big horses), but I'm still trying to justify if it's worth it.