Well-Known Member
Ok, I got to thinking about Thunder’s upcoming training. We are working on ground driving now and he is doing AMAZING! .… and of course roller skating - he is a pro there too….
but come spring/early summer I plan to hook him up to the cart. I am just not sure which cart I should hook him up to, I want him to have a pleasant and enjoyable experience. I don’t think you are suppose to use a bike, the Thunder Cycle, to cart train but why? My Aerocrown weighs 90 pounds and Thunder only weighs 120 pounds. My bike weighs only 38 pounds and would probably be easier for him. Why do they say you shouldn’t train a horse on a bike? Why do people say you should use a “training cart” which in my case would be my Aerocrown? Any ideas or insight would be greatly appreciated. I feel very secure and grounded in both carts, I just can’t figure out why one shouldn’t start off cart training a horse in a bike??

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