MeadowRidge Farm
Well-Known Member
Hi all, I went out today and had to "check" on some horses, what I found was the 9 full size, 2 with a newborn CREMELLO foal, and 3 mini donkeys, 2 jacks (6 mts old and a 2yr.old ) and a jenny..with the worst hooves I have ever seen!!
Not only curled but twisted. All the rest of the animals the hooves were long but nothing like this jennys, and wouldnt you know it---hubby was with me.
(He likes to THINK he can keep me quiet at times, but let me tell DONT work!!) Well, I had a LONNNNNG talk with this owner, and after giving him my farriers # and also telling him I will be back to check, and will also be in contact with my farrier about these horses. I looked at him and said "HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT FOR THAT LITTLE DONKEY??" my poor hubby couldnt believe his ears and BOY did he shoot me a look!!
You guessed it, I bought that poor pitiful little jenny. She is a 32" 8yr. old gray, and now I am trying to think of a appropiate name for her. Any ideas?? I am also going to post before and after pic of her hooves so if anyone else ever comes across "something" like this ...they will also be able to see, that YES, there is hope for these little ones! I do have to say where these horses are now being least they are being fed and watered, prior to coming to that farm, they were being just about starved, and there was nothing that could be done because of there being hay, feed, and water always on the premises! I just dont know how ppl. can get these animals and then just ignore them...I am so mad tonight!!! I cant wait for the coggins, and extra lab work I am having done on her to come back so I can bring her home. She wont be able to go with my others until after she has been quarantined for 1 month, but then I will have the privledge of knowing every time I hear her bray....thank god I got her out of there and she will now be taken care of! If I can keep hubby home somehow--I would like to go back and try for the 2 jacks also!!!