Timothy Pellet Question

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Aug 23, 2015
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New England
I am going to start my mini on Poulin MVP ration balancer this week. According to the Poulin rep he should get 1/3 measuring cup daily. I was wondering if adding another 2/3 measuring cup of timothy pellets to give his meal enough "volume" to ad his supplements to would be OK and sound like an appropriate amount.

He gets one cup of Poulin e-tec in the morning and one cup at night and what I would like to replace that with is ONE CUP TIMOTHY pellets in the AM and

the 1/3 CUP MVP + 2/3 CUP TIM PELLETS at dinner.

I am just trying to keep enough pellets in front of him to hide the supp.

I am thinking this would be fine as timothy is low in NSC.

My other question is the timothy pellets are medium sized. He can chew them fine but is this a concern?

Thanks in advance!

He gets about three small flakes of hay a day in addition. He is on the plump side but not fat.
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I use timothy pellets sometimes. They have no problem crunching them up. At first I tried wetting them, but the horses didn't like them that way. Now I just feed as-is and they like them all right.
Mine have no problems eating timothy pellets dry. [My senior stallion is currently getting alfalfa pellets of the same size, he has no problem with them.]

Your plan sounds reasonable.
If you have a super piggy horse, that eats really fast, you might have a risk of choke; but in 30 years of horse ownership, 10 with minis, I've not had one choke. Including feeding dry hay pellets to all ages and classes of horses.
He's only moderately piggy, lol! I had a horse ( big horse) choke once on beet pulp shreds, even though it was soaked, so I worry. THAT was a night to remember.

I feel better about feeding the Tim now, though. Thanks.
They make feeders now with bumps in the bottom to slow them down; or cheap version, put a big rock in the bottom of his dish so he has to work around it and can't take huge mouthfuls.

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