Tips & Ideas Needed

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2002
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I'm beginning to train my 9 week old Filly and 6 week old colt to lead. I started using the lead rope around the shoulders (like a surcingle) and up through the O ring on the halter. My filly rears up and basically has a fit :no: . My colt (the biter from heck)
: at least stays on the ground, but just wants that rope in his mouth.

Any help, thoughts or ideas here?
they are so young! if you really want to do it i would halter them and then tie to the dams lead rope and let her lead them around
I agree with Kay kay...Always make it as easy and stress free as possible for them to learn....I teach all my foals to lead from a few weeks old by putting a head collar on them a few days beforehand then taking them for "a walk" with Mammy, her on a short lead and baby on a long one, I always use the words "walk on" which they learn quickly. Its so easy for the foal and for me, wouldnt do it any other way.
I never halter broke a mini foal before but I quickly figured out that the big horse way wasn't going to work for me, so I kinda just figured it out as I went along.

Here's Timmy haltered and roped at one day old. I just couldn't help myself after waiting for so many years for him. Don't have any advice for telling you how, you but this is how I did it seeing as how he was so tiny I was scared he'd hurt himself so I took my cue from him. He lead good right away. I just pretty much let him use the rope and feel that it was "attached" to something, namely me, but no kind of big pressure or anything like that. I held the end of it and let him lead me around just so he got the idea of being on a rope in the first place. If he didn't want to go, I just tapped on his butt with my hand and he went. Eventually, I reeled him in little by little till one day he was leading right by my side. If he reared I just stopped him dead in his tracks and said "NOPE" quiet but firm and then we'd start again and continue on our merry way.

Same thing with Knight Star. He's been haltered also from a day old and leading just fine. He's not perfect at two months and does throw in a rear here and there sometimes and I just stop him and say "NOPE". Works for me.

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