There are many sincere opinions that discriminate and do worse to others. I'm sure it was Hitler's sincere opinion that what he was doing was right (and no, I'm not comparing this situation to Hitler's, just proving a point).
Wow. Great post. Best comments I have heard or read about this. That includes radio, tv, internet, and even during my chick-fil-a dine in lunch. This sincerely deserves a round of applause.To start - I support gay marriage, and have a gay son.
I have no issue with the owner of Chick-Fil-A stating his beliefs. As long as he doesn't try to force them on others. For his family / his church, etc., if they don't want to conduct gay marriages, no problem. That is his right.
I don't agree with him, and I'll never eat at Chick-Fil-A because of it. That is my right.
I don't agree that a mayor of a major city can stop a business from legally operating because he doesn't agree with the ownes' beliefs. Sorry, that's interfering with free enterprise. Let them build, and let the public determine if they can be profitable.
I also don't see how democrats can bill themselves as "tolerant" - when it's obvious they are "tolerant" only about what they believe in. I have to say, that many times I respect the right more than the left, because at least the right isn't hypocritical. The right will admit they are not tolerant of certain groups, while the left believes they are tolerant of everyone, while the truth is they are tolerant of everyone but the right!
Realize that people's belief systems are shaped by the paradigm from which they view life, and that is shaped by their experiences. It is nearly impossible to change those beliefs without changeing those experiences. Others aren't "idiots" or "uninformed" because they don't agree with your beliefs. When it becomes true hate speech, when you stray into the Fred Phelps of the world, yes, then I think we can agree that's not to be tolerated. But this man calmly and without malice simply stated his beliefs, the same way you or I may state that we support gay marriage, and why. I will not condemn him for that, although they are directly counter to my own.
I may not agree with what he says, but I will defend his right to say it.
Well said!There are many sincere opinions that discriminate and do worse to others. I'm sure it was Hitler's sincere opinion that what he was doing was right (and no, I'm not comparing this situation to Hitler's, just proving a point).
Well here's one thing we agree on CFWe are so busy telling people what we are against, that they don't know what we stand for - the all-consuming love of Jesus Christ.
Thanks MattHere's a great vid for all those people that think its just so gosh darn awesome to be supportin' those that spout stupidity....
Well saidI agree about free speech but what I don't tolerate at all is bigotry, racism, etc. I uphold those morales at all times. We don't have that chain in Canada but if we did I would uphold my morales and refrain from spending my money at such a business.
Bravo Sue.
Now, though we do not have this issue, and I really don't have to worry about it, not even having "Chick a Fil" here...I would personally rather eat dirt than spend five cents in one of them were I in a position that I had to crawl on my hands and knees past it to get to a greasy spoon.
Seriously...there is a HUGE difference in supporting free speech, and supporting what was said.