Today's Significant Political News (imo)

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
In my opinion, the most significant political news today doesn't have anything to do with political endorsements, but with news about steps being taken now to try and prevent a terrorist attack in the days following the election.

I feel that if we have Obama in office, we can anticipate four years of our weakness being tested by our enemies. This is expressed with all sincerety, and not trying to get a rise out of anyone (though I know how these threads go). I just don't think some things that will probably be tried by our enemies with Obama in office would be tried with McCain.
I think it's unusual that we have people in places saying that the terrorist countries support Obama, or that Obama's in the pockets of the terrorists, and then some of those same people turn around and worry about attacks (not picking on you JIll, I have heard this elsewhere). Seems to me it would be one way or the other.

IMO, we do need to consider the world opinion of us. Right now, it's not so great. This affects our international relations, trade, negotiations...there are a lot of nations in the world who will take it as a big ol' middle finger if we bring in a President of the same party as Bush, IMO, and I can't help but wonder if that will make things worse for us.

Of course I don't think we should use that as a basis for who to vote on, just expressing a concern of my own.
Well, I don't think Obama's in the pockets of terrorists.

I do think that he will be perceived as a very weak leader when it comes to protecting our Nation. It's not like the people who hate us and wish to do us harm will change their minds if we elect who they favor... after all, I think they favor him for all they think he cannot do to protect and better our Nation.

Scary times, no matter what.
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Jill, I get what you are saying. I too worry that this next year will most likely have an attack on our soil. Or at the very least, a very good attempt. I cant say whether McCain or Obama would be better to handle it as I think that they both would do a great job. However, I will say that 'if' Obama can get us out of Iraq , maybe, our chances of attack will lessen. I base that on 'them' not liking us on muslim soil. But, on the same hand we are in Afghanistan and need to stay there. So, guess I contradicted myself LOL I dont think it fear mongering to say that Jill, not at all. For years I have felt that the next new administration will bring an attack.
Kenny is coming home earlier then we first thought (yeahhhhhhhh i cant wait) But then I found out that they are getting the National Guard ready to be a polling stations starting next week (i think next week) so I am betting that is why hes coming home earlier then I thought. My guess is he will have to help guard the polling stations. They are expecting a lot of trouble which is so sad to me. Because its not from terrorists its from OURSELVES

I so agree Mary Lou this fear mongering is just getting so out of hand.
I agree with both Lowrise and Mary Lou.

First he is in with terrorists in fact primed by them since birth according to some and now they plan to attack as soon as they see there hard work in getting him there come to fruition?
Just does not make sense to have it both ways here.

This fear of race riots, assassination and terrorists is slightly out of control. I have complete faith he will keep us here in America as safe as any President can.

Kay I also agree with you at this point it is our own Country I am fearing and the hatred and ignorance that we have here on our own soil. That along with the bullying tactics people from both sides are showing *in the country not just here on LB* leave me very worried.
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I heard it on the news too and it sure didn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling. I don't think we're fear mongering when we're merely reporting what's on the news. If the authorities think there's a threat I think we'd be pretty darned foolish not to take it seriously. As far as our fear of race riots, assignations and terrorists being out of control is concerned...I hope you're right. I've experienced one presidential assignation and don't care to do it again.
First he is in with terrorists in fact primed by them since birth according to some and now they plan to attack as soon as they see there hard work in getting him there come to fruition? Just does not make sense to have it both ways here.
Why does it not make sense? He wouldn't have been primed by terrorists to ensure that terrorists not strike the US under his leadership...if (and I am not saying this is the case, nor that I think it is the case, this is just an IF) he were "in" with the terrorists, the idea I'm sure would be that once he was in power the terrorists would know that he wasn't going to take action against them....for instance he wouldn't order the fighter jets to shoot down any plane that disobeys the orders of air traffic control, which would make it easier for them to carry out a terrorist attack via the air...or...I really don't know what methods/means terrorists might use next time! But ya, I would say that if he were in with the terrorists, that would be the plan--in some way he would be expected to assist with a terrorist attack, so to me it does make sense to have it both ways here.
Remember the movie, Wag The Dog

Wag the Dog is an incredibly witty movie, a rare blend of cynicism, humour, and intelligence. The movie is about a spin doctor working for the Presidential re-election campaign, who must create a situation that will distract the public from the President's scandalous affairs.
To the end, the spin doctor, with the help of movie producer Stanley Motss (Dustin Hoffman), manages to convince the public, using media manipulation techniques, that America is at war with Albania. The headlines that result from this manipulation soon take precedent over the President's alleged tryst with a young girl.

Of course, such an elaborate hoax cannot be sustained without others getting in the way, and the movie is about how, despite all odds, Bream and Motss manage to pull it off.
Reread the bolded words............. Too many unanswered questions behind this person who wants to be our president - from where he was born - to his questionable acquaintances and involvements - to how easily he comes by so much money!

Coincidence or future material for a movie - "The raising and grooming of a president"?
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where he was born
I'll only address this one at this point - as none of this is what Jill's thread was about.

Where "he" was born is not in doubt. The question was answered. Honolulu. No matter what bloggers and blowhards seeking what is not there try to tell you.

I won't go through all those links and discussions again - but simply say for the VERY last time that McCain is a wise man - and does not let other dogs try to wag his tail. He knows Obama was born in Honolulu... and has not bothered to even mention it.

Back on topic... it is conceivable that some sort of attack might be attempted with an administration change - no matter WHO is elected. Precautions need to be taken. But bear in mind that the media tends to sensationalize things as well (well, DUH
) .... and can make routine precautions seem like an all out defensive operation...
guess we better build our bomb shelters...
I really dislike fear-mongering.. and I will not stop living happy because of fear "the terrorist will get us"
Mary Lou, to be perfectly clear, I expressed a sincere concern and one I've held since Obama became the Democratic Nominee. I'm not trying to be a fear monger. Honestly, a sarcastic remark about building bomb shelters, to me, is mind boggling given what could actually happen.

I know that the terrorists did not achieve another attack on US soil following 9/11. I have always felt (right from 9/11/2001) that under Gore, we'd have had a much, much more tragic period of time. National security, not the economy, has been my primary concern when it comes to this election and I am pretty sure I said so here quite some time ago. My entire career revolves around money management, and still, National Security, not the economy, is my foremost concern. People who want to call that fear mongering, imo, do not understand the times we are in. I sincerely do not think that our enemies perceive Obama as someone who will be strong when it comes to National defense.

I'll never forget 9/11, what it did to our Nation, the business associates I lost. Nor will I not keep in mind how much worse it could have been. With technology rapidly moving forward, every day it becomes easier and easier to commit horrific acts of terrorism, be that bombings, chemical weapons, biological attacks, E-T-C. I think as a Nation, we do not reflect hard enough on what could happen if we are not vigilant with keeping our guard up.
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I am not making light of the fact that another terrorists attack could happen. But to say the threat is worse if Obama becomes president vs McCain being president, thats what I take issue with. The threat will always be there no matter who gets elected.

None of us will ever forget 9/11. But the fact is it happened with Bush as President. No one can possibly know what would have or could have happened if Gore had been president
I think for a lot of people, including our national defense personnel, it's always been more about WHEN and HOW another attack might occur, not IF one would. That's not "fear-mongering" - it's just plain fact. People shouldn't live in fear, but they also shouldn't stick their heads in the sand. I live very near a nuclear power plant...possibly a prime target; but I suppose if you don't live on American soil it's easier to make jokes about it (or to laugh it off) than it is for those of us who do.

ETA - Since this topic is about national security is it possible for us to leave politics out of it? Sure would be nice!!
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Doesn't Barrack want to reduce the number of troops and weapons the United States has?

Please, how does doing so help in anyway another terrorist attack on US soil, which in time will happen again. To think not is just ignorant. If Barrack wants to reduce the US's military power in these times, how is this being better prepared than McCain?
Since this topic is about national security is it possible for us to leave politics out of it?
You can't leave the politics out of national security!

It is the politics that is manipulating and controlling people , events and circumstances, taking away Americans rights so as not to insult someone else, setting the stage for the next national disaster. It may not be a 9/11 attack but the end results will be horrific . Most likely hitting us from within our own Country. Heed the signs!
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Threat of attacks by these despicable lunatics are everywhere. Recently it was reported in Canada that an attack was also stopped from happening. Their plan was to hit the Parliament Buildings (seat of our government and Prime Minister) and which is one block away from me and where I frequently go, almost on a daily basis (work related), Toronto was another target, and another city in Canada that I can not recall off the top of my head. The thing is if we all walk around scared all the time, that is exactly what these lunatics want. Being prudent and doing all we can to stop these is one thing but being scared doesn't help anyone, least of all ourselves. JMHO
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I am not making light of the fact that another terrorists attack could happen. But to say the threat is worse if Obama becomes president vs McCain being president, thats what I take issue with. The threat will always be there no matter who gets elected.
None of us will ever forget 9/11. But the fact is it happened with Bush as President. No one can possibly know what would have or could have happened if Gore had been president
Respectfully, I disagree with nearly everything you just said. I sincerely feel the threat will be worse with Obama, for the reasons I have said. I'm not saying it to be sensational... I've been saying it ALL ALONG.

I think it would have likely been a disaster if our country was lead through 9/11 by Al Gore (as do many, many others). As I've said before, millions of people had the same sentiments as I did on 9/11... Thank God we've got Bush in the White House and not Gore.
Back in 2004 before your previous election the Bush administration (Condi) was quoted in newspapers about the possibility of an attack before that election. All precautions were taken and nothing materialized.
guess we better build our bomb shelters...
I really dislike fear-mongering.. and I will not stop living happy because of fear "the terrorist will get us"
When/if Obama gets in.. he will have the best interest and right people behind him in protecting the country..

I agree with you 100% Mary Lou

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