I usually don't post political topics

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But I do have one questions Jill, if Republicans ruled the earth, would gas still be at $1.61?
No, it wouldn't. It would likley be more or less where it is now - with all the ups and downs that have always happened. No president has ever been able to control gas prices - so why on earth is Obama being blamed for something that is out of his hands? Oh wait - you are not supposed to realize that. Oil is an international commodity with the price determined by international markets. A President can tap into the National Reserves to lower prices temporarily (as Bush did) but that is just a short term band-aid and does very little to affect overall prices.

And then you look at the full picture instead of just one time and the price went up and down several years before as well as after. So one price doesn't always show the entire scope of things.
minimomnc - don't be silly - you are not supposed to look at the big picture! That would be counter-productive and just prove that gas/oil prices are always in flux. July 2008 had the highest gas prices yet - who do we blame for that? It must have been Obama's fault!!! Nope, It wasn't even Bush's fault. If Obama tapped into the National Reserves, then no doubt he would be in trouble for - you guessed it - tapping into the National Reserves. It is just a neverending, squeaky hamster wheel.

Likewise, the recession ( a lot of it worldwide) that was already underway would have happened anyway... and if McCain had been elected, everyone would be blaming him for it. In the greater scheme of things, the big picture does not really change no matter who is in office. The nuances may be different - but the recession would still be here. Thinking that the Republicans could have waved their magic wand and changed everything overnight and overcome this recession is actually very "hopey changey" - ( I hate that cutesy term) speaking of which...

Well, I don't expect too many Obama voters to mention "Hope & Change" these days, Karen. It makes them look silly.
Respectfully, it looks even sillier to constantly be beating others over the head with the "hopey changey" thing. Over and over and over again. It was a campaign slogan - a hopeful one. Everyone is all about hope and change for every election. No matter what side you are on. Fox News uses fair and balanced as their slogan - is that always true? Not by a long shot. NO media is always fair & balanced - no matter how many times they hit your over the head with their advertising. Roger Ailes is not about being fair and balanced and has stated that repeatedly and issued orders to his employees about it as well. Contrary to his own advertising.

Back on topic...

I may not be Obama's biggest fan, but you can check on Politifact to see what promises he has kept, are in the works, dead in the water, never going to happen, outright lied about etc. Here. The two biggest ones are a form of healthcare and killing Osama Bin Laden. Promises kept. Many not kept. Some ignored. The same way it is with all politicians.

But broad statements saying that everything is "worse" are neither accurate nor insightful.
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I do believe O has a very questionable backround, I also believe that Jimmy Carter will be thanking him soon for taking over as the worst president ever.

It is no secret that I'm a conservative, aside from my political views, there is something about O that honestly makes me shudder....call it a hunch I guess. Have you ever met someone who you just "knew" there was something off about them, something maybe even evil?

I know if my dogs were in the same room with him they would either bite him or run and hide (my dogs love people but they also can sense character better than anyone).
I do believe O has a very questionable backround, I also believe that Jimmy Carter will be thanking him soon for taking over as the worst president ever.

It is no secret that I'm a conservative, aside from my political views, there is something about O that honestly makes me shudder....call it a hunch I guess. Have you ever met someone who you just "knew" there was something off about them, something maybe even evil?

I know if my dogs were in the same room with him they would either bite him or run and hide (my dogs love people but they also can sense character better than anyone).
Amen, Sonya, my right minded friend!!!
I do believe O has a very questionable backround,
Well, his background has been put under an electron microscope, shredded, analyzed, put in a blender, baked, fired, fricasseed, gone over with a fine toothed comb, dissected and fileted - and even the most dedicated Republican researcher was not able to find anything truly frightening/alarming/Communist/terrorist etc. The McCain/Palin campaign found nothing that they could use - and if there was something there, they would have used it. Ditto for other agencies like the CIA and FBI and Secret Service. I guess as long as conspiracy flogging talking heads deal in rumours and make "suggestions" - and viral emails are circulated as fact... people will always have doubts. But seeing someone - a President - as truly "evil"?

Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree... I wonder what happened to "respect the office if not the man".
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But seeing someone - a President - as truly "evil"?
yep! Hitler? of course I'm not comparing him to Hitler, just sayin'

As I said, it's no secret that I'm a conservative...but even Bill Clinton had likeable qualities and I think Jimmy Carter is a wonderful man. Did not agree with either politically though.
I don't know if gas prices would drop under a Republican administration, but I know that the Dems have NEVER been in favor of increasing our own off-shore drilling.

I am an Independent with Libertarian leanings. In the past I actually voted for Clinton, for one term. I even voted for Carter, but who knew??? George W. Bush was the first president I ever voted for for two terms, and I didn't vote for McCain in '08.... I wrote in Ron Paul. So, I'm all over the board politically, but liberal is at the bottom for me.

I think Obama is a terrible president, who seems more concerned with public appearances, his golf game, and kowtowing to middle eastern potentates than he is with the terrible economic woes in our nation. He simply doesn't have a flippin' CLUE as to how to govern. He is NOT presidential... he's more "celebrity" than leader. His top advisors seem to be union bosses,(Richard Trumka, who brags about meetings at the White House at least once a week), radical extremists, (William Ayers), andbillionaire financiers who claim openly that they HAVE toppled governments and want nothing more than a one-world currency and a one-world government. (George Soros).

Obama *is* evil, IMO. He's used his good looks, his charisma and charm to totally snowball a lot of american voters, who will continue to defend this charlatan simply because they want to avoid looking stupid by having voted for him.
Obama *is* evil, IMO. He's used his good looks, his charisma and charm to totally snowball a lot of american voters, who will continue to defend this charlatan simply because they want to avoid looking stupid by having voted for him
where is that like button?
HUH? Soros is not an "advisor". Neither is Ayers - he was in the distant past and not exactly an advisor or close acquaintance in any way - and yet it is always a good "hot button" thing to bring him up. Union bosses have had meetings with many Presidents. All of that sounds rather Beckian in its conspiracy leanings.

yep! Hitler? of course I'm not comparing him to Hitler, just sayin'
I mentioned specifically - A PRESIDENT. You came back with Hitler. It seems you are making that comparison - just based on your own words. Meh - it is okay - Beck and others have drummed that point home time and time again.

I am hearing an awful lot of Glann Beck's favourite lectures and conspiracies here... his specialties being comparing everything to Nazi Germany and evil advisors/czars. Even people who are not advisors/czars.

And yet he conveniently overlooks the fact that Roger Ailes manipulates Fox News and the Republicans to suit his own agenda by his own admission... but then, Ailes is his boss so what can he say?

Obama *is* evil, IMO. He's used his good looks, his charisma and charm to totally snowball a lot of american voters, who will continue to defend this charlatan simply because they want to avoid looking stupid by having voted for him.
Many said the same thing about Bush. There was no truth to it then and IMO there is no truth to it now.

All Presidents have some degree of charisma and charm - they have to. As I said , it is easy to check up on what promises he has made - and kept, ignored etc. but it seems people would rather deal in conspiracies, rumours etc. FACTS are easy to read - anf yet they get ignored. Judge the facts, not the hunches and "evil". ALL politicians are charlatans to a certain extent - and anyone who does not realize that is truly not paying attention... to anyone in office. Does the fact that they are R or D or Tea Party mean they always speak the truth? If you seriously believe that, I have some swampland in Arizona that I'd like to sell you...

And now that the comparisons to "evil" and Hitler have come up, the chances of having a reasonable discussion have all but evaporated.

know that the Dems have NEVER been in favor of increasing our own off-shore drilling.
Not exactly right.

Again, this is easy to check out. Michele Bachman said that only ONE permit had been issued during the Obama administration. That is a complete lie (speaking of charlatans) - I guess that she thinks no one will bother to check on any facts and she can just say what she pleases... kind of like a viral email.

You can check it out all over the place but Politifact has everything in one place with links provided. And yes, Politifact skewers Obama as well - they are decidedly non-partisan.

39 shallow water permits have been issued in the past year. They were not affected by the moratorium after the Gulf Oil DIsaster.

Things slowed down after the disaster, but are slowly picking up again. It is easier just to quote this...

in all, BOEMRE has received 45 deepwater drilling permit applications that are subject to the new regulations. These include applications to drill new wells, bypasses, and sidetracks. Twenty-four of these permits have been returned to the operator with requests for additional information (most regarding subsea containment). BOEMRE has approved seven of these permits (for six unique wells), with 12 applications pending.
Again, these are deepwater permits issued after the moratorium. The Obama administration issued lots of deepwater permits prior to that.

In addition, BOEMRE has received 31 deepwater drilling permit applications for activities such as drilling water injection wells and drilling from a fixed rig with a surface blowout preventer that were allowed under the moratorium. BOEMRE has approved 28 of these permits.

According to Andy Radford, senior policy adviser at the American Petroleum Institute, permit approvals have dropped 65 percent, post gulf oil spill. Prior to the gulf disaster, the Obama administration reported approving 217 new well permits (shallow and deepwater).

"The devil's in the details on these things," Radford said, noting that permits include a lot of different drilling activities.

But the pace of permitting is picking up, he said. "We'll get to the new normal eventually."
Facts instead of rhetoric. And yes, I have applied that to both "sides" over the years.
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Ditto weebuscuit!

Our country is hemorrhaging to death. Property values continue to go down, while taxes go up. Jobs continue to go overseas, unemployment is high (I would like to see what it really is, not just what is reported from a gov't report), the trade deficit is still climbing as are energy prices, health insurance, etc...

We need answers and most of all we need action. There was a recent warning that another 'economic tsunami' could occur, five times worse than in 2008... what then? The current government projected an unemployment rate of 7.3% for Sept. 2010 with a 'recovery or stimulus plan' or 9% without the plan. After 20 months of the 'stimulus' the rate in Sept. 2010 was 9.6%. Sounds like the person doing the math was the same one that predicted The End of Days for May 21, 2011. The federal deficit is already WAY worse than the Bush era ever dreamed of. With the current spending, the budget will add twice the debt that Pres. Bush had over the same number of years.

The promise to stop jobs from being sent overseas has not happened and they continue to flow out of the country like a broken water main. The promises made to focus on the economy here and jobs has gone by the wayside. On June 8, 2009, a promise was made to create or save 600,000 jobs. Really? Where?!

The President's popularity hasn't dropped from 78% to 54% in a year without a reason (or two or three) - the steepest drop in 50 years.

He called for an end to America's wars overseas, however Iraq and Afghnistan remain conflict zones and now Libya and Pakistan have been added to the list. Our 'anti war' President has extended the military operations overseas.

I for one am sick, sick, sick of the false promises made by politicians while the country continues to spiral downward at a faster and faster rate. In my opinion, they all lie to get elected. You know how I can tell? Their lips are moving.

Will step off the box now... this all gives me a headache. People need to get their heads out of the sand and take a good look at what is going on, no matter what political party it is.........
I mentioned specifically - A PRESIDENT. You came back with Hitler. It seems you are making that comparison

Hitler was a president of Germany. And I wasn't making a comparison as I said...there is evil in alot of politicians, be it of either party in the US, and all over the world, years past and today.

You can have your opinion that you think Obama is wonderful and the greatest US president ever, I can have mine that yes, I do think the man is evil and the worst leader of my great country! In the end though numbers don't lie:

Come the 2012 election cycle, Barack Obama is likely to be facing the highest unemployment rate that any US President has faced since World War II. Conference Board analysts expect that the jobless rate will still be a lofty 8.5 percent come 2012, down from the 9 percent it is currently.

I can provide the link if you like.

of course unemployment rates do not constitue evil, as I said this is my personal opinion and one that many share.
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HUH? Soros is not an "advisor". Neither is Ayers - he was in the distant past and not exactly an advisor or close acquaintance in any way - and yet it is always a good "hot button" thing to bring him up. Union bosses have had meetings with many Presidents. All of that sounds rather Beckian in its conspiracy leanings.

I am hearing an awful lot of Glann Beck's favourite lectures and conspiracies here... his specialties being comparing everything to Nazi Germany and evil advisors/czars. Even people who are not advisors/czars.

FACTS are easy to read - anf yet they get ignored.
How much online research have you done about Soros and Obama? You are extremely naive if you deny that Soros is one of Obama's allies, supporters, and YES, advisors. It seems to me that YOU are the one ignoring the facts.

I can't stand Glen Beck. Watched his show two times a few years ago and he gagged me. He's the alarmist Chicken Little of the airways, crying "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

I am not a person who tolerates fabrications and lies about either party. I've gotten into heated arguments with a lot of people who claim Obama is a Muslim, or that he was born in Kenya. I don't believe any of that nonsense. I believe he's a christian, I believe he's American. But I also believe he's a little puppet whose political career skyrocketed from being a "community organizer" to a senator with a completely undistinguished record to become the president simply because the liberals knew a cash cow when they saw one. As I said before, he has NO presidential qualities. He was simply "promoted" by the money machine in the liberal party, and George Soros was among them and remains extremely close to Obama. This president was packaged like no other president in our history. The problem is that once he was "unpackaged" we all realized we'd been sold damaged goods.
The bad news about our economy and the high unemployment numbers aren't rumors.

Sadly I must say I know first hand about how bad the economy and the unemployment is. My husband works six days a week, 10 hour days just to keep us afloat. My daughter and her husband are about to lose their home becuase son in law has been laid off for so long. Please don't preach to me, I know first hand. politics on this or any forum is mute to me, there is no bending on the opposing team. I could give you many details, but it is all personal, so don't make assumptions.
How much online research have you done about Soros and Obama? You are extremely naive if you deny that Soros is one of Obama's allies, supporters, and YES, advisors. It seems to me that YOU are the one ignoring the facts.

You have not been paying attention - I look into EVERYTHING and I am not "naive". I cannot be spoonfed partisan BS from any side. I am a born skeptic and cynic - of everyone and everything. Always have been, always will be. Suggesting that I am naive would crack my friends and family up. They are weary of my cynical outlook on most things - especially politics.

All that being said, Soros is not the guy who is constantly whispering in Obama's ear as many would have you believe. Nor is he the greatest threat to national security as many bloggers and extremely partisan websites assure you. That is just more of the endless conspiracy theories. Soros is often critical of Obama - but Beck has been waging a great conspiracy attack about their "special" connections that many have simply picked up on and run with. More rhetoric. Google Soros and Obama and look at the first few entries - all Beck's website or other extreme right blogs/websites. Soros is far less of an influence on anything to the left than Roger Ailes is on Fox and the Republicans to the right. People need to do more reading about him, as well. Far & Balanced... uh huh. That is not what he believes in. He says Jump! and sadly, some Republicans say - How high?!

I can't stand Glen Beck. Watched his show two times a few years ago and he gagged me. He's the alarmist Chicken Little of the airways, crying "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
Exactly right - and add in Nazi Germany comparisons about everyone and everything. Even Ailes got tired of that.

I am not a person who tolerates fabrications and lies about either party.
Same here - as I have illustrated in many posts. It is just that in these threads where viral emails often rule, most of the stuff that needs to be addressed tends to come from the right. I prefer facts as opposed to rhetoric - no matter what "side" or angle is involved.

As I said before, he has NO presidential qualities
Who does, in your opinion? Who exemplifies "presidential qualities"? A certain amount of charm and personality must go along with that. John Kerry sure did not have it. Ick. Edwards? No comment about that jerk. What were the Dems thinking then? It boggles the mind...

This president was packaged like no other president in our history. The problem is that once he was "unpackaged" we all realized we'd been sold damaged goods.
Damaged goods? No more than most other politicians. Exceptions being the truly damaged, rotten goods like the aforementioned John Edwards. At least Obama is not toe-tapping under washroom stalls or sexting pics of his junk all over Twitter.

The only reason he was "packaged" in that way is that we now have far more avenues of publicity and media than ever - and after Kerry/Edwards, anyone would have been a star. Every campaign is a "package". Media has increased in even more ways than were available in 2008 - and as the internet and communication runs amok, so does the advertising and packaging. Sarah Palin is another one who has been carefully packaged and "presented" along the way... there is no denying that. You watch - the pimping and "packaging" for 2012 will be like nothing you have ever seen... on both "sides". Or maybe I should say all "sides" - as the Tea Party will distance itself from mainstream Republicans.

And I predict that the most over-used and abused phrase in the next year will be "lamestream media"...
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Wee, Sonya, Laurie -- I think you three have made excellent points!!!

At the risk of further endearing myself to the resident democrats and liberals, it's mind boggling to think that any American could be sincerely pleased with the job Obama has done.

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Wow. After reading so many posts I lost track and had to go back to Connie's original post. For sure I do not ponder. Being a far right extreme conservative I don't have to ponder these things. Not looking for a debate or an argument. I use Google to see how politicians voted (or NOT) on issues. I use our U.S. Constitution, my Bible, my brain, and my heart to decide how I vote. But that's just me!
This reply is to tagalong.... I tried clicking on "multiquote" in your post because there were several things I wanted to respond to but it didn't work for me!

Anyway, all I wanted to say is that I really like you! We will never agree on some points (Soros, for example), but I believe you *think* the way I do a lot. I am a member of another forum where the posts get VERY political, and several have accused me of being a "flaming liberal" because I have defended Obama in light of their absurd claims which, as you stated, are often the result of idiotic viral emails. And, I am NOT a liberal!

I always check the Politifact website. I love that place, as it is really one of the only sites that tries to remain completely inpartial. When I hear someone quote something from the Huffington Post website or, conversely, the Freedom Works website, I shudder. Partial websites, biased reports.

You asked who I would consider to have presidential qualities. Well, not Obama. I don't feel he had enough experience in the political arena to take on this job. At this point, there are no conservative candidates I am even remotely excited about. Romney? Uh... didn't he lose LAST time? I like a lot of Herman Cain, except for two things: 1. He is anti-gay, and 2. He doesn't believe the Federal Reserve needs to be audited, and I firmly believe it does.

Palin? She's too controversial to ever be elected, and IMO, she could not be an effective leader if she would be elected. Barbara Bachman? Right now, she's looking better than anyone else the conservatives are promoting. You said she wrongly said only 1 drilling permit was issued by the Obama admin. She was NOT wrong... she was talking about DEEP WATER drilling, and only one of those permits was issued. Shallow water ones, yes, but not deep water permits.

I am not a liberal because I feel the liberals have contributed to the downfall of society with their nannie-state "cradle to grave" welfare system. However, I'm not a conservative because I am totally FOR gay rights. I have three sets of friends, two of whom are gay couples and one is a lesbian couple and I have a gay cousin. I literally despise the conservative stand on homosexuals. I also am NOT a fan of abortion, but I believe it should be an issue between a woman and her conscience and NOT a political issue. And the only reason it IS a political issue is because it's a religious issue, and that brings me to another reason to have a lot of problems with the conservative party, and that is the influence the christian faction in the nation has over it.

I am sick and tired of the arguments that our nation was founded on "christian principles." I am sick and tired of trying to convince people that George Washington, T. Jefferson, B. Franklin, and many others, were Deists. I don't believe religion should have ANY place in our national elections. In fact, I'd take it so far as to pass a law making it illegal to even inquire into a candidate's religilous affiliation! LOL! (Just kidding there, but it's how strongly I feel about it).

And the last thing I wanted to make note of here is that on a variety of websites I visit, it seems that there are two sides: liberal or conservative, and the most grievous thing is that people can't seem to disagree without resorting to calling each other terrible names and spewing hatred. I try not to become involved in that type of vitriol, and instead I try to *like* the person even if I may disagree with his views. I hope that anyone here reading my posts will feel free to totally disagree with me on political topics, but that we may come together on other topics in which we can find a common ground, whether it be our pets, horses, families, gardens, hobbies, or whatever.
You said she wrongly said only 1 drilling permit was issued by the Obama admin. She was NOT wrong... she was talking about DEEP WATER drilling, and only one of those permits was issued. Shallow water ones, yes, but not deep water permits.
Actually, weebiscuit - check out the Politifact links I provided back in that post - and note that Michele Bachmann was, indeed, wrong. I will quote part of it again...

in all, BOEMRE has received 45 deepwater drilling permit applications that are subject to the new regulations. These include applications to drill new wells, bypasses, and sidetracks. Twenty-four of these permits have been returned to the operator with requests for additional information (most regarding subsea containment). BOEMRE has approved seven of these permits (for six unique wells), with 12 applications pending.
Again, these are deepwater permits issued after the moratorium. The Obama administration issued lots of deepwater permits prior to that.
You can check it out there for yourself.

Now, you see - THAT ^ is what I like - a good discussion without sneering and namecalling and insults - the way many such discussions here have sadly gone. I like you too, weebiscuit. You and miniwhinny may be to the right of me politically, but we can respect each others' opinions and also realize that not everything we are "told" is true - no matter who it is about. Obama may have been "packaged" - but I wager that no other president has been insulted/slandered/ridiculed as much as he has. His race, his religion, his background - everything has been held up to scorn and multiple conspiracy theories and accusations. I did not care for a lot of the crap about W either - but the Obama-bashing has gone waaaay beyond that. Times a million. Some of it has made me.... sad, for want of a better word. Whatever happened to respecting the office even if you do not care for the individual? Apparently that's a load of BS and when it comes to Obama, anything goes.

Again - before I get jumped on, I need to point out that I do not care for everything the man has said or done - but do I think everything would have been vastly different if McCain had been president? Nope. Same recession. Same wars. Same old song - just sung in a slightly different key.

As for Michele Bachman, I do not think she can get elected - even though IMO she was the star of that GOP debate. She has put her foot in her mouth far too many times and is anti-gay and very vocal about it. Some of her Christian fundamentalist views seem to get in her way about many topics... JMO. She is also strongly anti-abortion - and as you said in part...

I also am NOT a fan of abortion, but I believe it should be an issue between a woman and her conscience and NOT a political issue. And the only reason it IS a political issue is because it's a religious issue, and that brings me to another reason to have a lot of problems with the conservative party, and that is the influence the christian faction in the nation has over it.
Bingo. Exactly right. *enjoys the mindmeld with weebiscuit*
Actually, weebiscuit - check out the Politifact links I provided back in that post - and note that Michele Bachmann was, indeed, wrong. I will quote part of it again...

You can check it out there for yourself.
tagalong, I have been woefully lax in keeping up with my current events since the temperature got higher than 45 degrees, LOL. I am literally outside at the crack of dawn and not in the house until the solar garden lights come on, with maybe a 15 minute break in the house for lunch, and at night I'm getting only a brief shot of news, so I may have been wrong about the drilling, but I know for a fact that I looked it up on the web last night, because I thought your comment about Bachman being wrong was wrong (confusing)! and I know I read somewhere that there was only one deep water drilling permit issued, but of course without the URL available for me to post, I can't back it up, but I will try and see if I can find that site again.

Now, you see - THAT ^ is what I like - a good discussion without sneering and namecalling and insults - the way many such discussions here have sadly gone. I like you too, weebiscuit. You and miniwhinny may be to the right of me politically, but we can respect each others' opinions and also realize that not everything we are "told" is true - no matter who it is about. Obama may have been "packaged" - but I wager that no other president has been insulted/slandered/ridiculed as much as he has. His race, his religion, his background - everything has been held up to scorn and multiple conspiracy theories and accusations. I did not care for a lot of the crap about W either - but the Obama-bashing has gone waaaay beyond that. Times a million. Some of it has made me.... sad, for want of a better word. Whatever happened to respecting the office even if you do not care for the individual? Apparently that's a load of BS and when it comes to Obama, anything goes.
I actually think the total lack of respect for the office of the presidency really started with Bush. I had voted for Bush, so it was always a source of annoyance for me to hear how badly he was bashed. I don't ever recall a time when presidents were so woefully ridiculed, made fun of, lied about, and abased. Remember..... the 911 conspiracy theorists actually felt Bush was behind the WTC bombings. So yes, Obama is taking a terrible bashing, but Bush had his share as well.

I make no bones about my extreme dissatisfaction with Obama and the fact that I didn't vote for him. However, when he won the election, I honestly was not as bummed out as I normally would have been had the person who was not my choice won. I was actually totally "ok" with it, because I thought it was cool that we FINALLY elected a black man to our highest office, and heck, I really was one of those people who got a "feel good" feeling from Obama. But that quickly dissipated! *sorry, tag*

As for Michele Bachman, I do not think she can get elected - even though IMO she was the star of that GOP debate. She has put her foot in her mouth far too many times and is anti-gay and very vocal about it. Some of her Christian fundamentalist views seem to get in her way about many topics... JMO. She is also strongly anti-abortion - and as you said in part...

Bingo. Exactly right. *enjoys the mindmeld with weebiscuit*
I think the republican hopefuls are an abysmal lot, and I personally could not vote for Backman because of her anti-gay views. My problem is that I think I am a "trans-party" person. I am not pro-abortion, but I also don't believe this should even be a political issue. It should be a private one. However, I am against using public funds for abortions (except rape), as I think that's a horrible form of birth control. I am FOR using public funds for birth control. One less kid born out of wedlock that my tax dollars have to support.

My main beef with the republican party is that it's becoming too allied to the christian coalition, and I don't want religious leaders controlling politics.

And yes... it's really possible to absolutely disagree with someone's politics, but to actually have civil discussions with them about it.

*high five to tagalong*
tagalong said:
Bingo. Exactly right. *enjoys the mindmeld with weebiscuit*
weebiscuit said:
And yes... it's really possible to absolutely disagree with someone's politics, but to actually have civil discussions with them about it.
*high five to tagalong*
Way to go, ladies! My respect factor for several people on this thread has gone WAY up with this reasoned discussion.
I mean, my God...I just agreed with WeeBiscuit about something political!


By the way- I think maybe two people would remember me from my college days and I only got out eight years ago!
Between being a transfer student from a community college, living off-campus and being in a small major...well...I didn't get around much.

Thank goodness! I don't see a need for a round of Kumbaya over here!

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