Well-Known Member
No, it wouldn't. It would likley be more or less where it is now - with all the ups and downs that have always happened. No president has ever been able to control gas prices - so why on earth is Obama being blamed for something that is out of his hands? Oh wait - you are not supposed to realize that. Oil is an international commodity with the price determined by international markets. A President can tap into the National Reserves to lower prices temporarily (as Bush did) but that is just a short term band-aid and does very little to affect overall prices.But I do have one questions Jill, if Republicans ruled the earth, would gas still be at $1.61?
minimomnc - don't be silly - you are not supposed to look at the big picture! That would be counter-productive and just prove that gas/oil prices are always in flux. July 2008 had the highest gas prices yet - who do we blame for that? It must have been Obama's fault!!! Nope, It wasn't even Bush's fault. If Obama tapped into the National Reserves, then no doubt he would be in trouble for - you guessed it - tapping into the National Reserves. It is just a neverending, squeaky hamster wheel.And then you look at the full picture instead of just one time and the price went up and down several years before as well as after. So one price doesn't always show the entire scope of things.
Likewise, the recession ( a lot of it worldwide) that was already underway would have happened anyway... and if McCain had been elected, everyone would be blaming him for it. In the greater scheme of things, the big picture does not really change no matter who is in office. The nuances may be different - but the recession would still be here. Thinking that the Republicans could have waved their magic wand and changed everything overnight and overcome this recession is actually very "hopey changey" - ( I hate that cutesy term) speaking of which...
Respectfully, it looks even sillier to constantly be beating others over the head with the "hopey changey" thing. Over and over and over again. It was a campaign slogan - a hopeful one. Everyone is all about hope and change for every election. No matter what side you are on. Fox News uses fair and balanced as their slogan - is that always true? Not by a long shot. NO media is always fair & balanced - no matter how many times they hit your over the head with their advertising. Roger Ailes is not about being fair and balanced and has stated that repeatedly and issued orders to his employees about it as well. Contrary to his own advertising.Well, I don't expect too many Obama voters to mention "Hope & Change" these days, Karen. It makes them look silly.

Back on topic...
I may not be Obama's biggest fan, but you can check on Politifact to see what promises he has kept, are in the works, dead in the water, never going to happen, outright lied about etc. Here. The two biggest ones are a form of healthcare and killing Osama Bin Laden. Promises kept. Many not kept. Some ignored. The same way it is with all politicians.
But broad statements saying that everything is "worse" are neither accurate nor insightful.

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