Tooth Extraction - Question

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I had the second to last bottom right molar pulled last fall due to a failed root canal performed 15 years earlier. My oral surgeon did the extraction and at the same time did a ridge restoration "just in case" I decide on an implant in the future. The remaining back tooth is not terribly strong so I'm leery of a bridge because there's not much left to work with but I have also had two friends have failed implants so I'm taking some time and weighing my options. I can't have any unnecessary invasive dental procedures for the next year anyway since I had my knee replaced 8 months ago so I'll be curious to hear what you decide and how things go for you. Keep us posted!
I did not replace mine, mainly because my teeth are so squished it was nice to let them move some so they would stop hurting. That said, my dentists said the only thing that will happen is the others will move to fill the gap. The one below it is fake so no worries about that moving.

I too have horrible teeth and know fake ones are in my future. I think just about evry one of them has a filling in it (or at least will when I finish up the next four).

I do have two root canal/crowns that were not done right and appear to have issues way down in the bottom where the root would be. HOwever my dentists says a specialize is in order and I asked her if she was going to cover it since her office screwed up one and the specialist screwed up the other. That does explain the pain for the last 6 years.
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