Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
One of my clients, obviously a fellow Conservative, shared this with me the other day and I thought I'd pass it along



When your friends cannot explain why they voted for Democrats, give them this list. They can then pick their reasons from this "TOP 12"...


1. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.



2. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.



3. I voted Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.



4. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.



5. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.



6. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.



7. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits.



8. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.



9. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.



10. I voted Democrat because I think that it's better to pay billions to people who hate us for their oil, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle or gopher.



11. I voted Democrat because while we live in the greatest, most wonderful country in the world, I was promised "HOPE AND CHANGE".



12. I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my butt; it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.

Hmmmmm - Number 12 absolutely applies to the dogmatic extremists of both parties! I know this was supposed to be a "tongue in cheek" kind of thing, but as a registered Republican, I CAN tell you why I voted Democrat in 2008, and why I did again for governor in 2010 and why it's not looking great for me to vote my party in 2012. Simply put, until the Republican party can actually stand someone up that I can get behind and really believe in, I refuse to vote for them! That's not saying that I am happy with the way things are going now on a National level, and there are a great many things I don't agree with. But I am happier with my Democratic President right now than I am with our Republican Governor here in the great state of Ohio. And, I'm sorry, but if Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney/Sarah Palin are the best my party can come up with, then it is a sad state of affairs. (And I like Sarah Palin as a person - I enjoyed watching her reality show and I think she is great, I just don't want her running our country).

As a life-long common sense conservative, I cannot imagine choosing to vote for the socialist in 2008
The "hopey-changey" stuff doesn't seem to have materialized into what most who voted that direction must have had in mind
I'm looking forward to 2012 for sure

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I am disappointed that another reason I heard sometime back did not make the list...


My nephew's wife voted for him and in good nature some of us really ribbed her about it. She and my nephew own a business. It was not long before she was telling us that she "was wrong, did not really have a clue at the time, and would just have to eat crow."
I always split my ticket when I vote and try to vote for the best person for the job regardless of party affiliation.I was registered as a Democrat, but am now an independent because I got so tired of political CRAP and phone calls around election time.I think it is high time in Washington and our states to stop the party bickering and work together to get this great country back to what it needs to be for the legal citizens of the US.If Hispanics want to come here and live and work get proper documentation and LEARN ENGLISH.I am so sick of people who have lived here 10 years or more and still can't speak the language.Public service places have to spend money on interpreters to get anything done.In my area the Hispanics have really learned how to work the system-free health care, food stamps, etc.Our hospitals are suffering because they use the services-give false names and addresses-no way to get the money from them-now their babies are US citizens and here we go again.This is a great country, but it is going downhill fast.Too many parasites bleeding us dry.In my area we also have 3 or 4 generations of families who have no one who has ever held a job in their entire life.They get so much from the system that it doesn't pay them to work.
I'm happy some of you enjoyed it!!!

Vickie -- I never understood how a business owner could support Obama because of how anti-business he was slated to be and of course materialized as anticipated BUT I think the MSM does such a lousy job of presenting the facts that a lot of voters didn't really know what we were in store for when it comes to Obama.

Plus, voting for someone BECAUSE he's black is honestly as racist is not voting for someone because he's black. Though things unfolded to change my mind, at one point, I'd have been thrilled to vote for Michael Steel. One of the current candidates I'm most excited about is Herman Cain... I don't care what color someone is as long as their head is in the right place.

Bev -- my feelings about personal responsibility are a key reason why I am a Republican and identify with the common sense conservatives. You do not find these ideals about personal responsibility in liberal, democrat or progressive politicians (and progressive politics have poisoned both sides of the aisle). Liberals, democrats and progressives want to foster government dependence and control.

PS 30 Facebook "likes" for this thread right now!!! That might be an LB record?
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but if Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney/Sarah Palin are the best my party can come up with, then it is a sad state of affairs. (And I like Sarah Palin as a person - I enjoyed watching her reality show and I think she is great, I just don't want her running our country).

That list is hilarious...and sadly oh so true
But I have to agree with Barbara. If Sarah Palin gets the nomination I'm NOT going to be able to vote for her - not even in principle to get the party in. The rest of the world is laughing so hard at us that she's the best we can come up with and top it all off - I'm a scientist, facts are facts - the woman thinks the world is 4000 years old - SERIOUSLY !!!!! Give me a break - if you want to be that delusional then do it in the privacy of your own home but someone in charge of the most powerful nation on the planet - who thinks the world is 4000 years old !!!! That's frickin' scarey
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Don't forget to watch the republican contenders debate tonight, 8pm ET on CNN! It should be pretty interesting... Romney, Bachmann, Gingrich, Santorum, Pawlenty, Cain and Paul will all participate -- naturally some are much more "exciting" than others. I can't wait
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Ugh Pawlenty-the worst governor Minnesota has ever had (which is really saying something considering we had Ventura).
Don't forget to watch the republican contenders debate tonight, 8pm ET on CNN! It should be pretty interesting... Romney, Bachmann, Gingrich, Santorum, Pawlenty, Cain and Paul will all participate -- naturally some are much more "exciting" than others. I can't wait
I'm going to be watching. I don't think people realize how important this election is going to be for the future of our Nation! If you picture a cliff with a 1000ft drop - we as a nation are leaning over it at a 45 degree angle - I really believe we're that close to total economic disaster. As an "insider" to the housing/banking markets what's going to happen in 2011 - when the MERS papers have been re signed and chain of title has been re established and those MILLIONS and MILLIONS of homes hit the market - all heck will break loose. All we'll need for that 45 degree angle to become 46 is one more Dem taking one more dollar from the earners. We're sitting at 4 in 10 homeowners underwater today - I'm quite confidently prediction it's going to be 6 in 10 a year from now. With that many people tightening their financial belts and not spending our economy is going to get mighty short of $'s.

You know with gravity and momentum how easy falling is compared to righting yourself when your leaning at a 45 degree angle? It's almost impossible - but it HAS to be done and it HAS to be done now because once we've fallen that extra bit - there may be no coming back.

Don't forget to watch the republican contenders debate tonight, 8pm ET on CNN! It should be pretty interesting... Romney, Bachmann, Gingrich, Santorum, Pawlenty, Cain and Paul will all participate -- naturally some are much more "exciting" than others. I can't wait

Thank you for sharing this! I didn't know about it and I will be sure to set my DVR. I do try and be as informed as I can when it comes to voting. And I am REALLY hoping my party can find someone with a chance of winning to run in 2012!

I've got our DVRs set to grab it. I actually don't know if I can stand to watch it tonight because I know it will wind me up. I may not be able to fall asleep until 2am if I do
Thinking I may be better served by watching it tomorrow morning but for sure I will watch it before I am told by the media who won
I thought hands down, Cain was the most impressive and exciting during last month's debate
Hmmmmm - Number 12 absolutely applies to the dogmatic extremists of both parties!
Many of the points listed apply to both extremes! Not that either extreme would ever admit it.

And some of the points are not really factual - but that is normal for this viral email kind of satire.. they're funny coming from either "side"...

That's not saying that I am happy with the way things are going now on a National level, and there are a great many things I don't agree with
Same here.... and I am neither Democrat or Republican.

And, I'm sorry, but if Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney/Sarah Palin are the best my party can come up with, then it is a sad state of affairs. (And I like Sarah Palin as a person - I enjoyed watching her reality show and I think she is great, I just don't want her running our country).
Ah yes - Newt "Pay No Attention To What I Said Yesterday" Gingrich - whose entire senior campaign staff has thrown in the towel and walked away... and Sarah - who IMO would rather be a celebrity than a politician. I cannot blame her - there is far more money in that than say, being the Governor of Alaska. Herman Cain is interesting, but likely too extreme for many. Mitt Romney is the best bet. And even then, he needs more... charisma? Something, anyway.

I am actually hoping that Palin states that she is running instead of doing her obvious campaign trip in her bus and being coy about it. Watching her and Michelle Bachman debate could be very... entertaining...

I have never understood the blind voting for the party that so many seem to do - I have always voted for the individual as opposed to voting along any party lines.
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I'm amazed that CNN is covering the REPUBLICAN debate. This may be worth watching...... I know that Larry is interested. Wonder if they are doing it live across the country or if it will be timed delay for the West Coast.
I'm amazed that CNN is covering the REPUBLICAN debate.
Why amazed? They have always covered the more important/significant debates on both sides. Always. *puzzled*
Voting here in the USA elections next year, Tag?
What on earth does that have to do with what I said about CNN?

You know I am not as I am not a citizen (even though I have been sent two jury summonses in the past and I think they take those names from the voter list) - so the snide remarks are not required. Wow.

Jill, I thought you were not even lowering yourself to "talking" to me as I am not an American citizen even though I live here legally, pay my taxes, work hard and contribute endless hours of volunteer work to the community. Far more than most of the citizens I know. Yeah, I am such a heinous person. Thank goodness it is a free country with free speech, just like the one I was born in. You know - that supposedly awful place north of the 49th parallel.

That does not prevent me from observing and thinking and learning and listening and researching and pondering and having an opinion and enjoying a balanced discussion. I am sorry that you chose to sneer instead.

And if I could vote, it would not be for a party but for the individual. That is the way I have always voted. Wait, I already said that...

Apparently that is worthy of scorn.

BTW - it is Homeland Security/Immigration that prevents me from being a citizen by now. Not my choice. When you follow the rules and go by the book according to your qualifications and job, you progress through a series of visas that do not simply entitle you to a Green Card - that is a process that can take years (and is taking years). You have to have had a Green Card for 5 years before you can apply for citizenship. Silly me, following the rules like that. There is a Green Card lottery you know, where GCs are just handed out with no regard to who gets them - if your name is drawn, you get one! No need to already have a job. Canada, Mexico, Great Britain and a few other countries are not allowed to be part of that lottery. And thus many of us are stuck in the visa spiral.

Both Bush and Obama have suggested amnesty to illegals and a free pass to GCs and citizenship. Are you kidding me??!! That is a kick in the teeth to all of us who have followed the rules, paid our dues and done this all legally. It is not easy. We have jumped through all the flaming hoops and done whatever was asked of us. Neither one of them cared/cares about those of us who go by the book. Why should they? We are small in number next to millions of illegals who will then vote for whoever gives them that free pass. No politician cares about anything more than getting elected again. No matter what "side" they are on.
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Tag-I think we might be related
I so love reading your comments. It is plain to see you do your homework and not just from the many extremely biased sources that so many people seem to base their opinions solely from.
Tag-I think we might be related I so love reading your comments. It is plain to see you do your homework and not just from the many extremely biased sources that so many people seem to base their opinions solely from.

ohmt - sorry to kidnap your entire post but I couldn't have said it better!

Tag - we came here legally too many moons ago. The only way you could get here on a green card from Britain back then was to be highly educated (doctor, lawyer etc or independently wealthy with a relative here to sponsor you)it took years and years and background checks etc. I don't remember seeing the ability to commit crimes or pick strawberries as a qualifier. And I agree - letting illegals have amnesty is SUCH an insult for those of us who did it LEGALLY.

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