trailer ramps

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2004
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I need an idea on how to make a ramp for loading or unloading my minis,hubby is no welder so it has to be removable and not to heavy to lift - anyone have photos of theirs or also ideas on how to make a safe one fast, I thought of using my bottom doors because they can come off with removing the pins but they are way to heavy for me to lift and hard to put back on with just one person, plus I am scared they might slip away from the trailer while the horse is on it . Here is a photo of my trailer

If you were to get a set of like four wheeler ramps and put like plywood on the withe 1 bys going acrossed.or indoor outdroor carpet
There are portable ramps made by a company for wheelchairs.

But can't think of the name of the company.

They actually fold up. Will see if I can locate the company.

here you go Portable Ramps
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Just thought of it hubby does have this metal type of ramp that they use to load riding lawn mowers/tractors into the back of a truck cab.He used it this summer to load our tractor into the back of his truck for repairs. So I guess if it will hold the weight of a tractor it should handle a mini walking on it - now just have to figure out how to add plywood.
a few lenghts of 2x4 and half a sheet of metal mesh nailed on top for the short distance they need it for would be the cheapest but those things are a pain to pull out and store. By the time you fool around setting it up the horses could have hopped in and out 3 times and you never get dirty putting it away if someone poops on it which l never liked and they did poop on them. We looked at the wheelchair ramps but they ran about $300Can. and up which we wouldn't get our monies worth from for the amount of times we'd use it.
Hubby said we can use plywood to go on top of the metal ramp, just wondering how thick should the board be. The minis are 2 and 4 years of age - not sure about weight on the 4 year old
we have the same ramps that frankie has in the post thay work great for putting my very heavy chair in the tack room for the horses you un fold them and put them side by side they are lit and work great. we have never tried them with the minis but if it can hold a an electric chair it will i think hold a horse.

I have a 16' Cargo trailer that had swing doors like yours. We put the hinges on the bottom and then hubby put garage door springs to lift on each side of the new ramp. I put a sheet of 3/8 plywood and some rubber carpet matting on the doors. I can easily lift the whole thing by myself. It's pretty simple and works great. I put a single handle in the middle on the outside to pull it open. The springs can be adjusted for tension.
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Why use a ramp??

My trailer has one and I never take it down- I use the grooms door and they hop in and out.

I have been looking at ways to take the ramp off my trailer for three years, but it has springs and is a very heavy thing!!

How high off the ground is your trailer??

I have never found a big or little horse refuse to step or even jump up into a trailer, but I actually go out and teach BIG horses that will not load to do so, so many people have problems getting their horses up ramps!!
My trailer is very much like yours, I put my trailer chalks under the rear wheels of my truck [ raising the rear by 4"] this lowers the rear doors of the trailer about 5". now the horses only have to step up 4 to 6". Mine dont seem to have a problem hopping in but I dont like the posibility that they may slip so I lower it as much as I can. DR.
Why use a ramp??My trailer has one and I never take it down- I use the grooms door and they hop in and out.
Me too...that's what I thought, and did...until I hurt, and ruined my beautiful filly doing it. She hurt herself the first time as a yearling, jumping in. She slipped upon entering, and slid in on her knees, her left hind folded underneath, and her right hind leg hyper-extended behind her. It took a long time for her stiffle to heal, but it finally did. I never asked a horse to enter without the ramp again... The next year, same filly, she fell and slipped jumping out. Just me being too dam* lazy to put the ramp down...I mean what the could she hurt herself going out? Well, she and three legs made it out, but she left that right leg behind her, and it hyper-extended again. (Probably because it wasn't as quick as it should be, from the first injury, I think, now, in retrospect...) Now I have a beautiful little "cripple". I kick my as* every day, when I look at her...but espceially on the occations that her bad leg acts-up on her.

Sorry to go on so...but having "been there-done that"...this is my word of experience.

I have a ramp on my trailer which simply slides in and out, from under the trailer. I will post pictures in a day or so, when my trailer is home.
Yeah, I love my trailer ramp. I had a ramp trailer for years & the horses always loaded good even though it was small & we tended to need a shoe horn to get the biggest of our horses into it! Then we went to a bigger trailer that was a step up. The horses still loaded good, but unloading was an ordeal with some. They just didn't like stepping out into empty space--never did get used to it either in some cases. And yeah, turning them around & jumping them out is fine, but I have seen them scramble & go down, much like Sue describes. We are now back to a ramp trailer, & like it, even if this ramp is a bit heavy--I think the spring assist needs some help!

ibquackers--your trailer looks like it would be easy to convert from door to ramp? The door is one piece is it not? You could get someone to weld the hinges at the bottom, and put the latches on the sides. That's assuming the door is sturdy enough to serve as a ramp? It looks like a sturdy trailer so it may not need any/much reinforcing, and if it is heavy I expect a spring assist could be put on it too. That's what I'd look into first, rather than messing with some separate ramp that has to be pulled into place, then I guess loaded onto the truck so that you have it to use at your destination?
trailer has two back doors - I am guessing that it use to be a drop down at one time but someone changed it - there is the old part hindge on the bottom of the trailer but they cut the ones on the doors,so stupid of them.Also on the door it's self there are walk up peices of wood and this is why I know at one time it use to be 1 door - they cut it in half.

I did take a thick piece of plywood added bolt on hindge and also an old carpet with rubber on one side so they have grip then on top of the carpet I added strips of wood every foot.It is not to bad to pull out and slid the pins in. I have plenty of room inside the trailer that when not in use it just slides in . I also wAnt to add a handle on the bottom side so I can move it.

I would love to get someone to weld a hindge on the bottom of the doors but hubby said it would cost to much money - what a jerk. So I spent 30.00 canadian and had to make a ramp.I would love to see photos

My trailer use to be for big horses so the step up is to high for my little guys and they will not step in.
Why use a ramp??My trailer has one and I never take it down- I use the grooms door and they hop in and out.
Me too...that's what I thought, and did...until I hurt, and ruined my beautiful filly doing it. She hurt herself the first time as a yearling, jumping in. She slipped upon entering, and slid in on her knees, her left hind folded underneath, and her right hind leg hyper-extended behind her. It took a long time for her stiffle to heal, but it finally did. I never asked a horse to enter without the ramp again... The next year, same filly, she fell and slipped jumping out. Just me being too dam* lazy to put the ramp down...I mean what the could she hurt herself going out? Well, she and three legs made it out, but she left that right leg behind her, and it hyper-extended again. (Probably because it wasn't as quick as it should be, from the first injury, I think, now, in retrospect...) Now I have a beautiful little "cripple". I kick my as* every day, when I look at her...but espceially on the occations that her bad leg acts-up on her.

Sorry to go on so...but having "been there-done that"...this is my word of experience.

I have a ramp on my trailer which simply slides in and out, from under the trailer. I will post pictures in a day or so, when my trailer is home.
Did you not use a mat on the floor?

I'd love to see pics of your ramp, when you can get to it.

We have always used a big horse trailer and the horses learn quickly to jump in and out. The funny thing is, it always takes the taller minis longer to figure it out--I guess the tiny ones are used to having to put more effort into reaching things, LOL. We recently had to haul a mare on three legs, so we backed the trailer into a low spot to make it easier for her to load. Come to find out, she had fractured a front leg (NOT in the trailer!)
Did you not use a mat on the floor?
Of course I did...yuppers...and a nice clean trailer it was too...have you never heard the saying "What can go wrong, will go wrong"? It was just that, fluke...twice...a year apart...same unfortunate horse. :no:

And yeah, turning them around & jumping them out is fine, but I have seen them scramble & go down, much like Sue describes.
And too, have you all not noticed how, when the little guys do jump/step down, how their backs are snapped back, before their hind feet even leave the trailer? That just can't be good for them. It reminds me of diving to deep in shallow water, and snapping your back almost in half trying not to hit bottom...done that too...ouch!!!!!

I should be bringing my trailer down this week, as we have a big show coming up and I have to pack it up for the week. Yippee! :aktion033: When I get it into the driveway, I will take pictures of the ramp both in place, and slid out for use.

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