Well-Known Member
Sooo...spent the last three afternoons trying to trim Pokey's hind no avail. She has not had her hind hooves trimmed since I got her (three years ago this July ) and I am at the point of giving up. I handle her every day, she now is easy to catch and halter, leads like a lady now (instead of a reindeer on amphetamine in mid flight), ties and loads but...attempt to touch her hind leg and DANGER! She lets me do her fronts no problem, but if I even reach toward her hind end and she gets NASTY, fighting for her life defensive. I have been patient for the past 3 years, I have never raised a hand to her, or even raised my tone of voice, I even tried the stupid glove on a stick trick (complete waste of my time and a good pair of gloves by the way). So I resorted to tranquilizer, had to wait until she foaled per the vet. I first tried Ace to no avail, might as well have given her crack, I swear there are now hoof prints on the ceiling. I have been told sedatives can have the opposite effect on the little ones, and I now believe it. I did not upset her before dosing either as I know that can render the drug ineffective if they're all worked up. Next we tried dormosedan gel, as I have had much success with it in my minis, nope, didn't phase her even at a double dose...she was staggering and drooling and leaning on the wall from sedation, so it is not like the drug didn't work but even after calm relaxing talk, gentle stroking and petting and slow movement toward the general direction of her hind leg and BLAM, she broke my wrist with one swift kick (that witch). Even higher than a kite, she will have nothing to do with this trimming business. So I have now come to two conclusions, one, all ponies are ninjas and two, Pokey either needs knocked out cold to do her hind feet or she is going to cripple herself. Her hooves won't break off in turnout like Janey's do, and she just isn't coming around like Nelly did (lets me trim her all the way around like a lady). Her hooves are so long in the toe, she's wobbling on her heels and straining her tendons so much her stifle clicks. I feel so bad for her and I feel so helpless, especially since she has a little one to chase after. I am out of ideas and am open to any and all suggestions. I am not at the point of pawning her off on some poor sap, plus, I like her too much to ship her, but I cannot let her go like this, plus my husband is worried someone is going to turn us in to animal control for neglect. She is a broodmare who needs to keep brooding as this is a business, not a homeless shelter for hooved mammals, but she shouldn't keep getting drugged while nursing, and none of these drugs are good for pregnant mares as they cause contractions. I need a cowboy trick or some sort to get the job done. I keep getting flack for keeping her from some people (one even suggested shooting her) as most won't deal with this crap, other people criticize me for breeding her (she's not a pet). Any advice? How do others overcome difficult kickers? I asked my farrier friends and obviously none want to trim her because she's such a bad kicker. I am out of ideas.
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