[SIZE=14pt]It was interesting to find out some things about Trisket. She has some soreness in her back. She doesn't like my geldimg and she thinks he should leave, there is a dog in our neighborhood stalks her, she asked about the girl that just stand there and stares at her, she siad there was something wrong with her. My daughter had ADHD and has issues with her legs. She also said she feels special now and before she was rescued she wasn't handled properly or fed properly. She is nosey and thinks she should get treats all the time. She and Bell have a truce, but Smarty is a pushy hog. Which is true. She showed Binnie that she would have to hunt for food, but now she doesn't have to. She was complaining about her new halter and that something was poking her behind the ears. It was the tag on the halter. I plan on calling on Bonnie to do my gelding to find out why he's so snotty with people and with Bell. Bonnie also said she has the personality of Barbra Walters, but that her true personality is still forming. [/SIZE]
Bonnie you have my permission to talk about our reading if you want to. Thanks again I enjoyed talking to you.
[SIZE=14pt]I forgot to add that Bonnie asked her 3 or 4 times if she was pregnant and she kept saying no. She looks pregnant and her test in September came back pregnant. So we are hoping she is, if not that's fine too. Bonnie said to let her know if she foals just because she was addiment that she wasn't pregnant. [/SIZE]
Bonnie I'll be in touch for you to talk to Smarty the" dark one".
Bonnie you have my permission to talk about our reading if you want to. Thanks again I enjoyed talking to you.
[SIZE=14pt]I forgot to add that Bonnie asked her 3 or 4 times if she was pregnant and she kept saying no. She looks pregnant and her test in September came back pregnant. So we are hoping she is, if not that's fine too. Bonnie said to let her know if she foals just because she was addiment that she wasn't pregnant. [/SIZE]
Bonnie I'll be in touch for you to talk to Smarty the" dark one".
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