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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2003
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[SIZE=24pt]FUN[/SIZE] You had better call or email Lea for stalls.. It is not to Late.. and I know what the and who the Special Guest Performers are :risa8: :risa8: :risa8: :new_rofl: :new_rofl: :aktion033: :488:

We are taking 18 horses and just know this will be the show to remember. she has one of the Congress Judges for 07' and one of the Mini National judges, and then just for fun she got the 3rd one just to come be the Third one.. :lol: :lol:

Lea's email is [email protected]
:aktion033: We are going, really sounds like it is going to be a [SIZE=36pt]FUN[/SIZE] show for sure!

Can't wait to see who the live entertainer is
I wanted to let everyone know that Lea said all the late fees will be waived, so come on and send in your entries if you haven't already done so. This really sounds like it will be one heck of an entertaining show, and I know how hard everyone has worked putting this thing together to make it great! What better way to spend a long holiday weekend than a horse show :saludando:
:risa8: :risa8: :risa8: I don't get to use him often :risa8: :risa8: :risa8:

Oh as always it will be too much fun with too many friends.......I best get extra sleep that week in preparation for it
: .......not sure how that is going to happen though clipping and washing horses :eek:
:aktion033: :risa8: :risa8: :new_multi: :488: :488: :488:

Erica , can't wait it is going to be such a Kool show, I understand that there could be a small sampling of the WATER HOLE !!! :new_shocked: :new_shocked: :aktion033: Those Frozen Desserts were so good at Nationals.. Yes we had better get all our work done early
:new_multi: :new_multi: Hehe...........it's gonna be a "mini" "pre"- Watern' Hole; just enough to get us ready for Nationals :new_multi: :new_multi:

and who said horse shows aren't FUN :risa_suelos:
I also heard the "Entertainer" will be available for signing autographs after the performance! :cheeky-smiley-006:

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