Udder edema during late pregancy

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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2007
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Sharpsburg MD
anything to worry about? I have a 28" mare that is at 340 days this week. She has had a fat pad In front of her udder that has gotten larger, it isn't huge. Her udder is not full yet. I was just wondering if anyone has seen this in their mares and how common it might be.

Thanks for your help.
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Absolutely normal. It can and usually does get larger before foaling and can even be there permanantly in some older experienced broodmares. Nothing to worry about and a good sign that she's fixing to make a fuller bag in the near future. Now when you get edema running in a line towards their front end you're getting real close. Not all mares do that though. Sounds like everything is going according to plan. Good luck with your delivery.

totally normal, particularly if you're not exercising the mare...

Yeah she is 11 this year and has had several foals. She tends to be fat but this year she is in good shape. Thanks so much that is a relief, I read somewhere that it could indicated a heart problem. She has been very heavy the last few weeks and seems to get bigger everyday. Her legs are so short being only 28" tall that she doesn't move unless I make her.

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