Ughh Turns out our new neighbor

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"About a year and a half ago I had a 16 year old girl that confided in me that she was sleeping with a man I also knew that was 61. I found this hard to beleive, charges were pressed and he is still not in jail, he has barely set foot in the court room. This has totally taken apart of the girls innocence away as she thinks they were in love. Come to find out she was not the first teenager he had had relationships with, he had also been married the entire time for 42 years. He has had several affairs and mostly with younger girls."

Been there, done that. Totally screwed up my life... and the brat is still out there.

I agree 100% with Lisa and with what Carol said: CASTRATION.

To the OP: Please be careful. :no:
All I can say is be careful, and never assume "your safe". I have one that lives 2 houses down from me, and he has raped 2 girls my age.. The only time I will walk past him house is if I have my boxer and cell phone with me. I know she might not be able to do much to him if he tried something, but she makes me feel safer.
: It might also be smart to carry pepper spray in your pocket.
Again, find out the FACTS of the person's "offender" status.

I agree that a pedofile cannot be rehabilitated. And I'm afraid castration would not solve anything. There have been cases where a child molester was castrated, and then went out and got a prosthesis and did it again! The best thing anyone can do is to remove them from society.

I'm very touchy on this subject so i will try to keep it short.

I would not care if my neighbor was an offender or not. i believe the system works, and when they are let out that means they know what they did wrong and will never do it again. I know this always true, but the system have given them a second chance, as will I, no questions asked. It might be scary but i've lived with it. Our school has "bad kids" coming in almost every day. we take all the kids the no one else will and nothing ever happens. I know kids who were in gangs, and had knife fights, that are now perfectly fine and have never done anything of that sort since they started at my school, infact one of the boys has really learned his lesson. after gettin kicked out of his old school for a knife fight, he came to mine. last year some guy wanted to fight him, and started punching him, and he walked away, just walked away
: . Just because some one has a bad past does not mean it should haunt them. people change

"Bad" kids who can change their lives are one thing. People whose brains are wired wrong and see children as sexual objects to be used are another thing altogether. Pedophiles don't GET better. They are let out of jail because they have served their time, not because they are sorry or rehabilitated. Unfortunately that's not how our legal system works. Some might SAY they are sorry, but I'd be willing to bet that the majority of them commit the same crimes, or worse, again. It's called escalation, more severe acts to produce the same feeling. This is an illness, but not a very treatable one.
you are right, "Bad kids" change much faster and easier then a sex offened does. But some people really are sorry what they have done, and for some of them the system really does work. i know this is not always the case, i don't know the stats. but i think it is unfair to treat a past offender rudly when you don't know what they are like, or if they have changed. If they have been convicted of raping small childern then of course i would not let them work around small childern, because the tempation would be there, and tempting a past offener in my books is criminal negligence, and the person tempting the person is just as guilty as the person who did the crime. Yes you should be careful sround this person, yes you should not ever fully trust this person because the tempation is always there. But don't treat him as an out cast, don't be rude to him if he does nothing to you, carry protection (pepper spray, cell phone) with you, because this person is dangerous if and when he is tempted. He may or may not be cured, but it ispossible that he is. i guess i never got my opion across in my first post, and i am sorry for any miss understandings.

Had a pedifile conduct his business with me. Those who've been the victim of this crime have developed a keen sense of a predators, i.e. the hair raises on your neck and stomach in knots.

One thing "predators" fear most is being found out and confronted. To keep myself safe, is letting the fool think it's not the husband that'll protect's the crazy lady of the house who can take care of her son and self. We live in a town of 600 people, and the grist mill is aware of the nutty ranch woman. It's the way I like it....and protected me many times in Southern California as a divorcee.

Sorry, preditors of children are unable to be rehabilitated....they're neuro receptors are not firing right or ever will. Even if castrated, they're still going to attack their prey, as it's a matter of "control", because they're downright cowards.

Flame away!
We live in a small comunity also. When an offender moved into a house across from my mother(79 year old widow )and my daughter in law(son drove a truckand was away a lot) we called the county sherriffs office and asked them to please come tell the gentleman to stay away from those houses. No iffs ands or Butts. Both had guns and both knew how to use them. The deputy's didn't seem to mind doing it at all. It wasn't very long before he moved. I guess he figured out he wasn't welcome. Go figure.
I'm very touchy on this subject so i will try to keep it short.

I would not care if my neighbor was an offender or not. i believe the system works, and when they are let out that means they know what they did wrong and will never do it again. I know this always true, but the system have given them a second chance, as will I, no questions asked. It might be scary but i've lived with it. Our school has "bad kids" coming in almost every day. we take all the kids the no one else will and nothing ever happens. I know kids who were in gangs, and had knife fights, that are now perfectly fine and have never done anything of that sort since they started at my school, infact one of the boys has really learned his lesson. after gettin kicked out of his old school for a knife fight, he came to mine. last year some guy wanted to fight him, and started punching him, and he walked away, just walked away
: . Just because some one has a bad past does not mean it should haunt them. people change

"Bad" kids who can change their lives are one thing. People whose brains are wired wrong and see children as sexual objects to be used are another thing altogether. Pedophiles don't GET better. They are let out of jail because they have served their time, not because they are sorry or rehabilitated. Unfortunately that's not how our legal system works. Some might SAY they are sorry, but I'd be willing to bet that the majority of them commit the same crimes, or worse, again. It's called escalation, more severe acts to produce the same feeling. This is an illness, but not a very treatable one.
you are right, "Bad kids" change much faster and easier then a sex offened does. But some people really are sorry what they have done, and for some of them the system really does work. i know this is not always the case, i don't know the stats. but i think it is unfair to treat a past offender rudly when you don't know what they are like, or if they have changed. If they have been convicted of raping small childern then of course i would not let them work around small childern, because the tempation would be there, [SIZE=14pt]and tempting a past offener in my books is criminal negligence, and the person tempting the person is just as guilty as the person who did the crime. [/SIZE] Yes you should be careful sround this person, yes you should not ever fully trust this person because the tempation is always there. But don't treat him as an out cast, don't be rude to him if he does nothing to you, carry protection (pepper spray, cell phone) with you, because this person is dangerous if and when he is tempted. He may or may not be cured, but it ispossible that he is. i guess i never got my opion across in my first post, and i am sorry for any miss understandings.

That is such a scary attitude........for pedifiles especially predatory ones any child or picture of a child is a temptation and it is not the childs fault or a parents fault it is the predators fault................I hope you never are offended against but I can tell you your attitude would be quite different if it had happened to you........

I also say go down find out what the details of the crime were so you KNOW what you are dealing with...discuss it with the probation officer and ask for advice on how to feel safe...............carry a machete and remember Lorraina Bobbit (sorry tacky I know)

I have worked directly with sex offenders so my view comes from a different angle than many ...I also was offended against as a teen...but it was "my fault due to my drug habit" ......this is what is called being victimized twice.....the police didn't take it seriously because I was high when it happened.......

I am very touchy on this subject so better not go any further
OMG! Just thought I would update you all on what happened last night with this "new neighbor"!!!

Around 7pm like 4 police cars came up pulled up his driveway. I had NO clue what it was about until this afternoon. Our neighbor that separates us from the "new neighbor" said the man's girlfriend (who has lived with him since they moved here last summer) called the police for domestic violence! So I guess I really can't think of him as a changed person at all because obviously he isn't!!!

IMO this man needs to be locked up for good because obviously he hasn't/can't change!!!
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Had a pedifile conduct his business with me. Those who've been the victim of this crime have developed a keen sense of a predators, i.e. the hair raises on your neck and stomach in knots.

( that was a guote, but it wont put it in captions oh well)

That is why parents shouldnt make their kids hug someone they dont want to. Manners are great, I am all for them, but if a kid is skeeved by someone, there is probably a good reason. Have a 'relation' that I could not stand growing up, refused to stay over w/cousin because of him. He freaked me out. Come to find he REALLY likes little girls.

ALWAYS listen to that little voice. It gets drummed out of us because of manners and politeness. Always listen, it usually wont steer you wrong.
Funny you should bring up not making kids hug someone they don't want to. My mother and I were just talking about her experience having two little kids she didn't know hugging all over her as she was trying to conduct a sale with their parents. She said the kids just kept hugging on her and it was really an uncomfortable situation. What were those parents thinking? How inappropriate can you get and wouldn't you be worried that someday they could hug the wrong stranger?!

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